[3908] Unlocking Secrets of Hospice Financial Management | Demystifying CAP Reporting & Calculation
A deep dive into the financial management of Hospice care, with a special focus on the
often-misunderstood Capped Annual Payment (CAP) Reporting and Calculation.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: In this comprehensive session, you will take a deep dive into the financial management of Hospice care, with a special focus on the
often-misunderstood Capped Annual Payment (CAP) Reporting and Calculation. This critical aspect of financial management can be complex, but it is essential to ensuring your Hospice agency’s
financial health and optimizing reimbursements. Led by an expert in the field, this session guides you step-by-step through the nuances of CAP reporting, helping you gain a clear understanding of
its importance and impact. You’ll learn how to accurately calculate and manage CAP, empowering your team to make informed financial decisions that can improve operational stability and sustainability.
Gain valuable insights into CAP reporting and transform your approach to Hospice financial management. You’ll walk away with the knowledge and tools to maximize your agency’s reimbursement potential and maintain financial stability.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Brian W. Lebanion, MBA, CPC, RNC, HCS-O, HCS-D, CEO/Consultant, BC Healthcare Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Brian W. Lebanion has more than 25 years of experience in the healthcare industry and provides consulting services
for all aspects of home health care and hospice, including operations, reimbursement and education. He specializes in comprehensive consulting services offering clients and providers
survey/licensure coaching, clinical review and training, financial and revenue cycle management, third-party audit response, and quality assurance/performance improvement training.
[3908] Unlocking Secrets of Hospice Financial Management | Demystifying CAP Reporting & Calculation
[3907] Hospice Audits and Reviews | Be Prepared
Covers all types of medical review audits and provide documentation “musts”, tips and guidance to “audit proof” your claims.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: Being prepared for a hospice medical review audit regardless of type
such as TPE, PPEO, SMRC, UPIC or RAC will ensure timely submission of documents and protect your agency’s bottom line.
From pre-payment denials to post-payment recoupment of payments, this session covers all types of medical review audits and provide documentation “musts”, tips and guidance to “audit proof” your claims.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Victoria Barron, MBA, BSN, RN, COS-C, Clinical Consultant, Healthcare Provider Solutions Inc.(HPS)
About the Presenter(s): Victoria Barron is a Registered Nurse who joined Healthcare Provider Solutions in December 2021 as a Clinical Consultant.
As part of the HPS clinical consulting team, Victoria provides support and solutions to home health and hospice agencies nationally to achieve regulatory compliance.
With more than 38 years of nursing and healthcare experience, the majority of Victoria’s career has been in the home services arena including home health, hospice,
home care, and home infusion where she has served in various roles. In home health and hospice, Victoria has served as agency administrator, interim administrator,
clinical director, CHAP surveyor, mock surveyor, QAPI team member and consultant. In private duty she has served as agency administrator, and in home infusion as
marketing director and infusion Registered Nurse.
Victoria is a licensed Multistate Registered Nurse and is a CHAP certified Home Health and Hospice Consultant.
[3907] Hospice Audits and Reviews | Be Prepared
[3906] HOPE Assessment | Being prepared for HOPE success
Comprehensive session on the HOPE tool.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: The Hospice Outcomes & Patient Evaluation (HOPE) tool was confirmed with the 2025 Hospice Final Rule adopting the HOPE Tool.
It is imperative that hospices be prepared to accurately capture the patient specific data to accurately complete the HOPE Tool. This tool will replace the current HIS and will be completed
at different timepoints. This session addresses all data points required with the HOPE Tool, the HOPE assessment timepoints, new outcome measures that will be calculated from the data,
the impact on the Hospice Quality Report Program compliance and the detailed timeline for implementation. Objectives:
Detail the difference between the HIS and the HOPE
Outline the impact of HQRP compliance with the HOPE
Define the specific items included in the HOPE assessment
Detail the time points for completing HOPE
Define the new outcome measures resulting specifically from HOPE data.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Victoria Barron, MBA, BSN, RN, COS-C, Clinical Consultant, Healthcare Provider Solutions Inc.(HPS)
About the Presenter(s): Victoria Barron is a Registered Nurse who joined Healthcare Provider Solutions in December 2021 as a Clinical Consultant.
As part of the HPS clinical consulting team, Victoria provides support and solutions to home health and hospice agencies nationally to achieve regulatory compliance.
With more than 38 years of nursing and healthcare experience, the majority of Victoria’s career has been in the home services arena including home health, hospice,
home care, and home infusion where she has served in various roles. In home health and hospice, Victoria has served as agency administrator, interim administrator,
clinical director, CHAP surveyor, mock surveyor, QAPI team member and consultant. In private duty she has served as agency administrator, and in home infusion as
marketing director and infusion Registered Nurse.
Victoria is a licensed Multistate Registered Nurse and is a CHAP certified Home Health and Hospice Consultant.
[3906] HOPE Assessment | Being prepared for HOPE success
[3913] Cultural Competency in Community Care
Comprehensive guidance on updating your agency's policies and training programs
to meet current cultural competency standards.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: In this session, Rosalind provides comprehensive guidance on updating your agency's policies and training programs
to meet current cultural competency standards. She also offers practical strategies to effectively implement these practices within your organization. Given her extensive background,
including her tenure as a senior policy specialist at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, Rosalind is well-equipped to assist agencies in enhancing their cultural competency frameworks.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin, RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin is a consultant for RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC.
Rosalind has been a public speaker and facilitator for home care and hospice since 2000. In August 2022, Rosalind retired from a 33-year career in
state government ending at Texas Health and Human Services, where she was a senior policy specialist for regulation of long-term care including hospice,
home health, and personal care, supportive palliative care, assisted living, and day activity and health services industries. As a health care consultant,
Rosalind is passionate about assisting entity leaders to understand and overcome compliance challenges while advocating for quality of life and quality of
care for clients, residents, and patients. She continues to analyze state and federal legislation for impact to providers and consumers, review state
regulations, develop and deliver continuing education and training to providers, and provide guidance to industry leaders through state and federal
survey preparation activities, such as mock surveys and leadership mentoring. Rosalind is a subject matter expert for federal/nationwide standards
and possesses a keen understanding of accreditation for home health and hospice care. Rosalind is well-versed in the regulations for the settings
where home care is delivered, including nursing/skilled nursing, assisted living, intermediate care for individuals with developmental disabilities,
and independent living settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas ~ New Mexico Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
She is an avid gamer, loves comics and reading, and resides in Austin with her husband, son, and cats.
[3913] Cultural Competency in Community Care
[3910] Non-Medical Social Determinants of Health | Tracking, Trending & Improved Goals of Care
Provides focus on the incentives to have these demographics in client
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: Non-medical Social Determinants of Health, or SDoH, are key indicators of quality of health,
effective goals of care, and quality of life for clients receiving care in the community. This program provides focus on the incentives to have these demographics in client
documentation, methods for tracking and trending this information, and use of the information to drive better outcomes of treatment. The presenter discusses how tracking and
trending key demographics can position the agency to participate in grants and community studies which may lead to extra financial resources and enhanced community reputation. At the conclusion of this program you will be able to...
Define non-medical social determinants of health (SDoH)
Discuss impact of certain indicators on a client's achievement of goals in the care plan or individualized service plan
Discuss the benefits of community relationships with providers of care and services to address SDoH that threaten quality of life and quality of care
Be able to list the components of a regulation compliant abuse, neglect, and exploitation incident management system.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
§558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin, RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin is a consultant for RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC.
Rosalind has been a public speaker and facilitator for home care and hospice since 2000. In August 2022, Rosalind retired from a 33-year career in
state government ending at Texas Health and Human Services, where she was a senior policy specialist for regulation of long-term care including hospice,
home health, and personal care, supportive palliative care, assisted living, and day activity and health services industries. As a health care consultant,
Rosalind is passionate about assisting entity leaders to understand and overcome compliance challenges while advocating for quality of life and quality of
care for clients, residents, and patients. She continues to analyze state and federal legislation for impact to providers and consumers, review state
regulations, develop and deliver continuing education and training to providers, and provide guidance to industry leaders through state and federal
survey preparation activities, such as mock surveys and leadership mentoring. Rosalind is a subject matter expert for federal/nationwide standards
and possesses a keen understanding of accreditation for home health and hospice care. Rosalind is well-versed in the regulations for the settings
where home care is delivered, including nursing/skilled nursing, assisted living, intermediate care for individuals with developmental disabilities,
and independent living settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas ~ New Mexico Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
She is an avid gamer, loves comics and reading, and resides in Austin with her husband, son, and cats.
[3910] Non-Medical Social Determinants of Health | Tracking, Trending & Improved Goals of Care
[3905] 2025 Home Health Landscape | How do changes included in the Final Rule impact your agency?
Insights into what your agency can do today to successfully navigate this dynamic environment.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: The home health landscape continues to evolve with ever changing payment and regulatory complexities.
This session provides an overview of the issues impacting the landscape, including the latest information and status related to PDGM, payment updates, and Value-Based Purchasing,
as well as issues relating to new OASIS requirements and quality reporting. This session also provides insights on other issues impacting the landscape, such as Medicare Advantage and evolving payment models.
Join Lisa Selman-Holman and M. Aaron Little as they offer industry insights into what your agency can do today to successfully navigate this dynamic environment.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman, JD, BSN, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Vice President of Quality & Education, McBee
and M. Aaron Little, CPA, Managing Director, Forvis Mazars – Home Care & Hospice
About the Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman brings more than 35 years of experience in the home health & hospice industry, specializing in regulatory compliance, both as an
RN and a home care attorney. Lisa founded Selman-Holman & Associates and CoDR (Coding Done Right), a coding outsource and audit company in 2004. Lisa has a wide range of regulatory experience in home health and has served
on numerous committees and task forces. Selman-Holman was recently acquired by McBee in July 2021. In her role as VP of Education and Quality, Lisa leads the quality audit team to ensure the highest-level of accuracy in
coding and clinical documentation internally at McBee and externally for clients nationwide. She will expand McBee’s educational offerings, including live events and on-demand online trainings through the McBee Post-Acute Academy.
About the Presenter(s): M. Aaron Little
A leading national home care and hospice consultant, Aaron is a CPA with over 25 years of experience with Forvis Mazars. He routinely performs general financial and operational consulting services for home care and
hospice organizations, including operations and compliance assessments, benchmarking, and Medicare cost report preparation. He also oversees the operations of Forvis Mazars’ revenue cycle services, which manages
the revenue cycle operations for home health and hospice organizations throughout the nation. He also serves on the Palmetto GBA 16-State Coalition and Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group.
[3905] 2025 Home Health Landscape | How do changes included in the Final Rule impact your agency?
[3904] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule | A Financial Deep Dive
A deep dive of those issues that most directly impact financial health.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: This session dives into the financial aspects of the home health Medicare final payment rule for 2025,
including a deep dive of those issues that most directly impact financial health, including payment rate changes, wage-index adjustments—which are significant for 2025—and VBP.
Additionally, this session shares relevant financial benchmarks important to the financial health of your home health operations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): M. Aaron Little, CPA, Managing Director, Forvis Mazars – Home Care & Hospice
About the Presenter(s): M. Aaron Little
A leading national home care and hospice consultant, Aaron is a CPA with over 25 years of experience with Forvis Mazars. He routinely performs general financial and operational consulting services for home care and
hospice organizations, including operations and compliance assessments, benchmarking, and Medicare cost report preparation. He also oversees the operations of Forvis Mazars’ revenue cycle services, which manages
the revenue cycle operations for home health and hospice organizations throughout the nation. He also serves on the Palmetto GBA 16-State Coalition and Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group.
[3904] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule | A Financial Deep Dive
[3903] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule | What’s Changing & How to Stay Ahead | Key VBP Updates
A side-by-side comparison of today’s measures versus the new ones coming in 2025 and reveals how you can maximize your Total Performance Score (TPS).
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: Big changes are coming to VBP, and understanding the shift is crucial for your agency’s success.
This session dives into a side-by-side comparison of today’s measures versus the new ones coming in 2025 and reveals how you can maximize your Total Performance Score (TPS).
Did you know that three new measures will make up 55% of your TPS? The Discharge Function (DCF) score, based on GG items, is replacing the TNC and
increasing its impact from 17.5% to 20%, while the new Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations (PPH) will claim a huge 26% share of your score. Plus, Acute Care Hospitalization (ACH)
and ED Use are being dropped from Star Ratings, and the new Discharge to Community (DTC) measure, worth 9%, will track readmissions for up to 31 days after discharge from home health.
This session is packed with insights on what your agency should prioritize right now to stay competitive. Lisa breaks down actionable strategies to help you
boost performance on these new measures, reduce hospitalizations, and prepare your team for success in the next phase of VBP.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman, JD, BSN, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Vice President of Quality & Education, McBee
About the Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman brings more than 35 years of experience in the home health & hospice industry, specializing in regulatory compliance, both as an
RN and a home care attorney. Lisa founded Selman-Holman & Associates and CoDR (Coding Done Right), a coding outsource and audit company in 2004. Lisa has a wide range of regulatory experience in home health and has served
on numerous committees and task forces. Selman-Holman was recently acquired by McBee in July 2021. In her role as VP of Education and Quality, Lisa leads the quality audit team to ensure the highest-level of accuracy in
coding and clinical documentation internally at McBee and externally for clients nationwide. She will expand McBee’s educational offerings, including live events and on-demand online trainings through the McBee Post-Acute Academy.
[3903] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule | What’s Changing & How to Stay Ahead | Key VBP Updates
[3902] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule Overview
This overview preps you for subsequent sessions [3903, 3904, 3905] that will then guide you through the details.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 13, 2024
Program Description: Join noted industry experts Lisa Selman-Holman, JD, BSN, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, McBee Associates, and M. Aaron Little, CPA, Forvis Mazars, who will provide you
an overview of the 2025 Home Health Medicare Final Rule. Agencies will have a better understanding of the potential impact the final rule will have operationally and financially and
what steps should be taken to prepare. This overview will prepare you for the subsequent breakout sessions [3903, 3904, 3905] that will then guide you through the details of the final rule both operationally and financially.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.13.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman, JD, BSN, RN, HCS-D, COS-C, Vice President of Quality & Education, McBee
and M. Aaron Little, CPA, Managing Director, Forvis Mazars – Home Care & Hospice
About the Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman brings more than 35 years of experience in the home health & hospice industry, specializing in regulatory compliance, both as an
RN and a home care attorney. Lisa founded Selman-Holman & Associates and CoDR (Coding Done Right), a coding outsource and audit company in 2004. Lisa has a wide range of regulatory experience in home health and has served
on numerous committees and task forces. Selman-Holman was recently acquired by McBee in July 2021. In her role as VP of Education and Quality, Lisa leads the quality audit team to ensure the highest-level of accuracy in
coding and clinical documentation internally at McBee and externally for clients nationwide. She will expand McBee’s educational offerings, including live events and on-demand online trainings through the McBee Post-Acute Academy.
About the Presenter(s): M. Aaron Little
A leading national home care and hospice consultant, Aaron is a CPA with over 25 years of experience with Forvis Mazars. He routinely performs general financial and operational consulting services for home care and
hospice organizations, including operations and compliance assessments, benchmarking, and Medicare cost report preparation. He also oversees the operations of Forvis Mazars’ revenue cycle services, which manages
the revenue cycle operations for home health and hospice organizations throughout the nation. He also serves on the Palmetto GBA 16-State Coalition and Provider Outreach and Education Advisory Group.
[3902] CY2025 Home Health Final Rule Overview
[3901] Advanced Concepts in Finance | Financial Considerations When Buying or Selling an Agency
Reviews the financial considerations involved when an agency is bought or sold.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program Conference | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: Mergers & Acquisitions have been in full swing for a while now and many agencies
are expanding by acquisition. This program reviews the financial considerations involved when an agency is bought or sold including the difference between a
Stock Purchase and an Asset Purchase as well as what information should be available and presentable for any potential acquisition - both from the seller's and the buyers' perspective.
For those not looking to sell soon, we'll also discuss steps you can take now to increase your potential sales price and attractiveness to buyers down the line.
Even if you never sell, being prepared to do so sets you up as a successful agency.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Amy L. Taylor, CPA; Knight Home Care Financial
About the Presenter(s): Amy L. Taylor (formerly Knight) founded Knight Home Care Financial in 2002 with a mission to deliver expert healthcare financial
services and consulting to post-acute and long-term care industries. For 22 years, Amy has been bringing her creative and innovative healthcare accounting solutions to TAHCH, where she was
honored as the 2011 & 2023 TAHCH Associate Member of the Year. Her journey in healthcare finance has been marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping others.
[3901] Advanced Concepts in Finance | Financial Considerations When Buying or Selling an Agency
[3900] Advanced Concepts in Ethical Practices
Business owners and leaders must practice ethically and can’t afford to overlook this informative program.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program Conference | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: In this program Heidi Kocher, attorney from Liles Parker PLLC, tackles the sensitive issues of ethical practices in the healthcare industry.
Heidi will touch base on fraudulent business behaviors, both operationally and clinically, as well as issues surrounding upcoding, staffing ratios, clinicians not turning in notes and lastly, agencies being compliant with their compliance plan, etc.
Business owners and leaders must practice ethically and can’t afford to overlook this informative program.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Heidi Kocher Esq., J.D., M.B.A., C.H.C. Liles Parker PLLC
About the Presenter(s): Heidi Kocher is a partner with Liles Parker and has over 20 years of experience in
health care legal and compliance-related issues, representing all kinds of health care providers of all size. Her experience includes serving as a
chief privacy officer and interim chief compliance officer at a medical device manufacturer. She also served as an outside compliance expert to a hospital
and a clinical laboratory that were under Corporate Integrity Agreements. She has significant reimbursement experience, responding to and defending audits,
addressing coverage policy issues, challenging denials, recoupments, and loss of billing privileges, obtaining HCPCS codes, and other reimbursement related issues.
Her experience also includes implementing Corporate Integrity Agreements, guiding clients through voluntary self-disclosures and seeking advisory opinions from the OIG.
In acknowledgement of her expertise, Ms. Kocher has served as a lecturer in the Biomedical Engineering department at the University of Texas at Dallas.
Ms. Kocher is licensed in Texas and Maryland and Certified in Healthcare Compliance.
[3900] Advanced Concepts in Ethical Practices
[3899] Advanced Concepts in Budgeting
Best practices to implement for successful budgeting and planning.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program Conference | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: When you think of budgeting, do you think of your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
It is time to get serious about KPIs and realistic budgeting. Watch Amy L. Taylor as she discusses best practices to implement for successful budgeting and planning.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Amy L. Taylor, CPA; Knight Home Care Financial
About the Presenter(s): Amy L. Taylor (formerly Knight) founded Knight Home Care Financial in 2002 with a mission to deliver expert healthcare financial
services and consulting to post-acute and long-term care industries. For 22 years, Amy has been bringing her creative and innovative healthcare accounting solutions to TAHCH, where she was
honored as the 2011 & 2023 TAHCH Associate Member of the Year. Her journey in healthcare finance has been marked by a commitment to excellence and a passion for helping others.
[3899] Advanced Concepts in Budgeting
[3898] Leadership - It Starts with YOU
Includes actionable steps to enhance your
leadership approach.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: Join Erin Vallier for an interactive leadership workshop where you'll uncover if you have the right motivations for
leading and explore five essential actions that every leader must embrace to lead effectively. Through engaging activities, you'll walk away with actionable steps to enhance your
leadership approach. We'll also dive into how to consistently show up for both yourself and your team, fostering growth and success.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Erin Vallier, Director, Sales, Alayacare
About the Presenter(s): Erin Vallier is an accomplished Sales Professional and Team Leader with over 12 years of
experience in the home healthcare industry. She has excelled in leadership roles across Quality Assurance/Compliance, Sales, Operations, and Employee Wellness,
supported by a Master’s Degree in Healthcare Management from Colorado State University-Global Campus. For the past 6 years, she has served at AlayaCare in a
variety of roles, and today is part of the enterprise sales team. And, as the founder of Phoenix Dawn, Erin offers personalized coaching to help individuals
reach their full potential. She is also passionate about outdoor activities in the mountains, fitness, nutrition, and creating animal-based culinary
delights paired with fine bourbon.
[3898] Leadership - It Starts with YOU
[3897] Driving Agency Success Through Process Improvement
Important topics and strategies that can help your agency achieve a greater level of success.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: Every Home Health Care agency strives to be more efficient, to optimize patient care, to reach financial and growth goals, however,
the process of analyzing, identifying, and achieving an operational road map often begins and ends, with the processes we have in place at the organizational, and individual level.
Driving the success of the agency through continual improvement must consist of strategic decisions, just like a game of chess. Agency leadership should be looking ahead and evaluating
the landscape for areas of improvement to stay ahead of the competition. In this presentation, you will cover all of the important topics and strategies that can help your agency achieve a greater level of success.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Cindy Rushing, CAPM, Implementation Manager, Alora Home Health Software
About the Presenter(s): Cindy Rushing Coming Soon
[3897] Driving Agency Success Through Process Improvement
[3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
A review of relevant federal and state laws pertaining to fraud, waste and abuse, recent enforcement activity, and focus on tips for improving agency compliance programs.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: Home care and hospice providers face a daunting array of complex laws and regulations,
with non-compliance potentially resulting in a host of criminal charges, civil sanctions and administrative enforcement actions. This program reviews relevant
federal and state laws pertaining to fraud, waste and abuse, recent enforcement activity, and focus on tips for improving agency compliance programs.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][1]information regarding fraud and abuse detection and prevention
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Jennifer Papapanagiotou, Esq., Liles Parker PLLC
About the Presenter(s): Jennifer Papapanagiotou's practice focuses on compliance, regulatory and transactional matters for a wide array of health
care providers, including home health and hospice agencies. She has extensive experience in analyzing proposed and existing business arrangements for compliance with federal and state fraud
and abuse laws, and drafting a wide variety of legal agreements. Ms. Papapanagiotou is knowledgeable in all aspects of state licensing for home health and hospice providers, and in Medicare
and Medicaid enrollment, including initial enrollment, changes of ownership and appeals of revocation actions. Finally, she assists clients with compliance plans, forming new businesses,
and addressing Medicare and Medicaid program coverage and reimbursement issues.
[3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
[3892] Infection Control Updates
Discusses the current and updated regulatory requirements for infection control for all Texas HCSSAs.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: This program discusses the current and updated regulatory requirements for infection control for HCSSAs,
including the impacts of the multiple changes that have taken place since COVID-19 and the suspension of the PHE. The program offers tips and tools for you to use as you
tackle the ongoing challenge of staying compliant while educating staff, patients and caregivers about this critical requirement, including don't miss information from state and federal regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.259[d][8]infection control
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Colleen Woods, MSNED, RN, Senior Consultant, Primary Nurse Planner, JCC
About the Presenter(s): Colleen Woods has worked in the home care industry since 1996, holding various positions in both home health & hospice agencies
including field nurse, case manager, educator, QA manager, DON and Administrator. Colleen is currently a senior consultant and lead educator with JCC Consulting, and services home health and hospice agencies in Texas.
Colleen enjoys helping agency leaders navigate the constant changes and challenges in the current home health and hospice industries. She enjoys assisting in the incorporation of meaningful and impactful
changes into their agency’s operations – both administrative and clinical, in order to provide high quality care that is both sustainable while maintaining regulatory requirements and promoting excellent patient care.
[3892] Infection Control Updates
[3891] Emergency Preparedness
Learn the elements required in the emergency preparedness and response plan as outlined
in the Texas licensing regulations.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: Emergency Preparedness is an essential part of providing quality care to patients and ensuring your
agency is prepared when an emergency event strikes. In this program you will learn the elements required in the emergency preparedness and response plan as outlined
in the Texas licensing regulations. Discover how to be compliant with Emergency Preparedness including:
policies and procedures
risk assessment
communication plan
training and testing
documentation of any actual events
This program also includes strategies for ongoing compliance for survey readiness.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.259[d][6]emergency preparedness planning and implementation
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin, RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin is a consultant for RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC.
Rosalind has been a public speaker and facilitator for home care and hospice since 2000. In August 2022, Rosalind retired from a 33-year career in
state government ending at Texas Health and Human Services, where she was a senior policy specialist for regulation of long-term care including hospice,
home health, and personal care, supportive palliative care, assisted living, and day activity and health services industries. As a health care consultant,
Rosalind is passionate about assisting entity leaders to understand and overcome compliance challenges while advocating for quality of life and quality of
care for clients, residents, and patients. She continues to analyze state and federal legislation for impact to providers and consumers, review state
regulations, develop and deliver continuing education and training to providers, and provide guidance to industry leaders through state and federal
survey preparation activities, such as mock surveys and leadership mentoring. Rosalind is a subject matter expert for federal/nationwide standards
and possesses a keen understanding of accreditation for home health and hospice care. Rosalind is well-versed in the regulations for the settings
where home care is delivered, including nursing/skilled nursing, assisted living, intermediate care for individuals with developmental disabilities,
and independent living settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas ~ New Mexico Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
She is an avid gamer, loves comics and reading, and resides in Austin with her husband, son, and cats.
[3891] Emergency Preparedness
[3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Presents state expectations and process for reporting incidents of ANE.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: What is self-reporting and how can an agency stay in compliance with the HCSSA minimum standards? In this program Rosalind Nelson-Gamblin discusses
state expectations listed in the Texas Administrative Code for agency investigations and provides a detailed, step-by-step process for reporting incidents of abuse, neglect and exploitation by an employee, volunteer
or contractor according to the requirements. Rosalind further discusses the agency's better practices to mitigate citations and costly enforcement action through a total incident management system: from policy
implementation to actions taken to prevent client harm.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.259[d][7]abuse, neglect, and exploitation
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin, RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin is a consultant for RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC.
Rosalind has been a public speaker and facilitator for home care and hospice since 2000. In August 2022, Rosalind retired from a 33-year career in
state government ending at Texas Health and Human Services, where she was a senior policy specialist for regulation of long-term care including hospice,
home health, and personal care, supportive palliative care, assisted living, and day activity and health services industries. As a health care consultant,
Rosalind is passionate about assisting entity leaders to understand and overcome compliance challenges while advocating for quality of life and quality of
care for clients, residents, and patients. She continues to analyze state and federal legislation for impact to providers and consumers, review state
regulations, develop and deliver continuing education and training to providers, and provide guidance to industry leaders through state and federal
survey preparation activities, such as mock surveys and leadership mentoring. Rosalind is a subject matter expert for federal/nationwide standards
and possesses a keen understanding of accreditation for home health and hospice care. Rosalind is well-versed in the regulations for the settings
where home care is delivered, including nursing/skilled nursing, assisted living, intermediate care for individuals with developmental disabilities,
and independent living settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas ~ New Mexico Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
She is an avid gamer, loves comics and reading, and resides in Austin with her husband, son, and cats.
[3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Covers client rights, including the right to confidentiality and Agency Responsibilities for complaints and more.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 12, 2024
Program Description: This program covers client rights, including the right to confidentiality and Agency Responsibilities for complaints and for advance directives.
You will learn to improve the effectiveness and consistency of managing complaints and how to use quality assessment/performance improvement (QAPI) to manage and reduce such complaints,
develop person-centered approaches and explain how perception can be an ally or foe in reducing client complaints.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.259[d][5]complaint investigation and resolution
§558.260[a][2]development and interpretation of agency policies
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin, RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC
About the Presenter(s): Rosalind J. Nelson-Gamblin is a consultant for RJNG Health Care Consulting, LLC.
Rosalind has been a public speaker and facilitator for home care and hospice since 2000. In August 2022, Rosalind retired from a 33-year career in
state government ending at Texas Health and Human Services, where she was a senior policy specialist for regulation of long-term care including hospice,
home health, and personal care, supportive palliative care, assisted living, and day activity and health services industries. As a health care consultant,
Rosalind is passionate about assisting entity leaders to understand and overcome compliance challenges while advocating for quality of life and quality of
care for clients, residents, and patients. She continues to analyze state and federal legislation for impact to providers and consumers, review state
regulations, develop and deliver continuing education and training to providers, and provide guidance to industry leaders through state and federal
survey preparation activities, such as mock surveys and leadership mentoring. Rosalind is a subject matter expert for federal/nationwide standards
and possesses a keen understanding of accreditation for home health and hospice care. Rosalind is well-versed in the regulations for the settings
where home care is delivered, including nursing/skilled nursing, assisted living, intermediate care for individuals with developmental disabilities,
and independent living settings. She serves on the Board of Directors for the Texas ~ New Mexico Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.
She is an avid gamer, loves comics and reading, and resides in Austin with her husband, son, and cats.
[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
[3896] Advanced Concepts in Compliance
Covers present-day compliance challenges, and solutions to them.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Administrator Program | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | November 11, 2024
Program Description: This is a word that is often spoken, and often misunderstood. Rare is compliance accidental.
Purposeful, consistent compliance is planned, not something for which one hopes. This session covers present-day compliance challenges, and solutions to them.
From DOL investigations to cybersecurity to billing audits, it presents challenges and solutions. As part of our planning attitude, we will look to future challenges
and discuss solutions for them. This includes reviewing recent issues raised in state and federal enforcement. Failing to plan for compliance leads to compliance failure. So, let us plan together.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.25 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.25 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.11.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Troy Brooks, Of Counsel, Degan, Blanchard & Nash
About the Presenter(s): Tro Brooks is a former Assistant General Counsel for the
Texas Department of Human Services (now the Texas Health and Human Services Commission). He has been representing healthcare
providers in private practice since 2004. He routinely advises clients on compliance with state and federal regulations,
the Anti-Kickback Statute, Stark Law, HIPAA, and general business law. He is of Counsel with Degan, Blanchard & Nash in
their New Orleans office.
[3896] Advanced Concepts in Compliance