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The 5 Levels of Home Care & Hospice Leadership

[3553] The 5 Levels of Home Care & Hospice Leadership
Everything rises and falls on leadership; nothing more, nothing less. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 15, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.25 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Program Description: Great leaders constantly ask, ‘Who could do what I am doing now?’” Every home care and hospice leader and manager is on one of these levels with their organization and the individuals on their team. And the good news is that every leader can move up to a higher level and raise the influence of the organization. While you raise your own level, you can develop a plan to raise and equip your people to take on many responsibilities and authority you have… and allow yourself to both move higher and create a lasting leadership footprint. Everything rises and falls on leadership; nothing more, nothing less. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Jim Mathis, IPCS, CSP, MDiv., CEO of Reinvention Nation, LLC About the Presenter(s):
Jim Mathis is a bestselling author, International Platform Certified Speaking Professional (IPCS), Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), and member of the John Maxwell Team. He has been writing, speaking and consulting for over 40 years internationally. Jim helps business leaders who want to reinvent their organizations in changing and challenging economic climates and crises. He leads energetic, entertaining and interactive business growth presentations across many industries. He will help you lead your people through crisis with the goal of adding value to them and your organization. [3553] The 5 Levels of Home Care & Hospice Leadership

Mathis, Jim


No-Pay RAP & Notice of Admission - How to be Successful

[3548] No-Pay RAP & Notice of Admission - How to be Successful
Details a plan of attack for agencies to succeed with NOA implementation in 2022. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 15, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.25 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: In this program Melinda Gaboury delves into the results of the NO Pay RAP implementation for 2021 including reviewing statistics regarding the No Pay RAP, current claims processing issues log at the Medicare MAC and identify how agencies can track their issues and outline penalty and how agencies monitor. She also details the requirements for the Notice of Admission in 2022 including reviewing the details for NOA regulation from the Proposed Rule, reviewing Claims Processing Manual for Updates and details the plan of attack for agencies to succeed with NOA implementation in 2022. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda A. Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc. About the Presenter(s):
Melinda A. Gaboury with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive speaking and educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR &TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry. She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is also the author of the Home Health OASIS Guide toOASIS-D1. [3548] No-Pay RAP & Notice of Admission - How to be Successful

Gaboury, Melinda


Community Care Rate Enhancement Program - What You Need to Know to Participate & Stay Compliant

[3549] Community Care Rate Enhancement Program - What You Need to Know to Participate and Stay Compliant
Benefits the Rate Enhancement program offers to Community Care providers licensed in the PHC Waiver program. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 15, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.25 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: In this program you will learn what benefits the Rate Enhancement program offers to Community Care providers who are licensed in the PHC Waiver program. The PHC Waiver program allows for additional reimbursement to providers if certain criteria are met and maintained with regards to how that additional reimbursement is spent. While the program looks very attractive, and it can be, you must understand the requirements thoroughly. You'll learn what the rules are for participating, staying compliant, what additional reporting must be filed and how to keep your agency off recoupment for underspending those funds. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Amy Knight, CPA, President, Knight CPA Group About the Presenter(s):
Amy Knight is a CPA, originally from Oklahoma and now based in Austin, Texas with over 20 years experience almost exclusively in home health and hospice. Her CPA firm, Knight CPA Group, has extensive experience with all financial issues pertaining to home health, hospice and other healthcare providers including cost reporting, accounting & payroll issues that are specific to healthcare providers. [3549] Community Care Rate Enhancement Program - What You Need to Know to Participate and Stay Compliant

Knight, Amy


Nursing Jurisprudence & Ethics

[3552] Nursing Jurisprudence & Ethics
All Texas nurses must obtain 2 contact hours continuing education on jurisprudence and ethics. This program fulfills that Texas Board of Nursing requirement. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 15, 2021 Nursing - Targeted Continuing Education Nursing Jurisprudence and Nursing Ethics
Texas Board of Nursing Rule 216.3(g) All nurses must complete at least 2 contact hours of CNE relating to nursing jurisprudence and nursing ethics before the end of every third two-year licensing period (applicable to licensing periods that began on or after January 1, 2014). The CNE course(s) must contain information related to: the Texas Nursing Practice Act, the Board's rules (including §217.11, Standards of Nursing Practice), the Board's position statements, principles of nursing ethics, and professional boundaries. Contact hours completed for this requirement do count towards completion of the 20 contact hours of CNE required for all nurses.
Certification may not be used to fulfill this requirement.
APRNs may not use CME to fulfill this requirement. Only CNE is acceptable. Program Description: This program fulfills the requirements of the Texas Board of Nursing in an interactive format. Become reacquainted with the Texas Nursing Practice Act, Texas BON Rules and Position Statements. Every nurse is charged with knowing the Texas BON rules that apply to nursing practice. The presenter will take the rules everyone needs to know and apply those rules to your practice in home care. Ethical principles and professional boundaries will also be covered. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][4]ethics Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 2.00 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Lisa Selman-Holman, Vice President Quality and Education, McBee About the Presenter(s):
Lisa Selman-Holman is a veteran of home care with over 35 years spent in home health and hospice, both as an RN and as an attorney practicing exclusively in home care. She is the Vice President of Quality and Education for McBee as of July 1, 2021. McBee is a full-service healthcare consulting firm providing coding and OASIS outsourcing, comprehensive medical review, and education. Lisa directs McBee's Post Acute Academy. [3552] Nursing Jurisprudence & Ethics

Selman-Holman, Lisa


Myth Busters on Maintenance Therapy

[3550] Myth Busters on Maintenance Therapy
An overview of the do’s & don’ts of maintenance therapy. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 15, 2021 Program Description: Concerns and questions frequently presented to Kornetti & Krafft Health Care Solutions regarding maintenance therapy focus on proper beneficiary identification, supportive documentation, therapy utilization and billing procedures. Getting this information right is critical for any organization to ensure that the revenue generated by this arm of the benefit is soundly protected in the audit-intensive environment the industry is experiencing. This program provides you with an overview of the do’s & don’ts of maintenance therapy. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement §558.260[a][7]financial management Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.50 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Cindy Krafft PT, MS, HCS-O, Owner / Founder, Kornetti & Krafft Health Care Solutions About the Presenter(s):
Cindy Krafft is an owner of Kornetti & Krafft Health Care Solutions based in Florida. She brings more than 25 years of home health expertise that ranges from direct patient care to operational / management issues as well as a passion for understanding regulations. For the past 15 years, Cindy has been a nationally recognized educator in the areas of documentation, regulation, therapy utilization and OASIS. She has and currently serves on multiple Technical Expert Panels with CMS Contractors working on clinical and payment reforms and bundled payment care initiatives. Cindy is an active member of the National Association of Home Care and Hospice (NAHC) and currently serves on multiple committees. She has written 3 books – The How-to Guide to Therapy Documentation, An Interdisciplinary Approach to Home Care and the Handbook to Home Health Therapy Documentation – and co-authored her fourth, The Post-Acute Care Guide to Maintenance Therapy with her business partner Diana Kornetti PT, MA, HCS-D. [3550] Myth Busters on Maintenance Therapy

Krafft, Cindy


Take the Guesswork Out of Wound Assessment and Documentation

[3546] Take the Guesswork Out of Wound Assessment and Documentation
Any clinician who performs wound care or any staff member that is responsible to review wound documentation should view this program. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 14, 2021 Program Description: Wound care, in general, continues to be an area of concern with most agencies when it comes to assessment and documentation. Many clinicians and staff that audit charts struggle with the different types of wounds, what needs to be documented, and how to document findings to paint a picture of what is happening with that wound. Any clinician who performs wound care or any staff member that is responsible to review wound documentation should view this program. The presenter takes a practical look at wounds and best practices for assessment and documentation of wounds and talks about the different types of wounds, the required physician documentation, methods and frequency of measurements, and documentation elements that should be included. She also discusses ways the agency can ensure consistent documentation and what resources need to be provided to clinicians to ensure they are successful. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Lisa McCLammy, BSN, RN, COS-C, HCS-D, Senior Clinical Education Consultant, MAC Legacy About the Presenter(s):
Lisa McCLammy has more than 24 years of nursing experience in various areas of healthcare. She currently holds certifications in OASIS-D, and ICD 10 coding. Lisa is a Senior Clinical Education Consultant for MAC Legacy. She has presented for various state associations and well as conducting training and education on a variety of topics. Her experience as a consultant, Director of Customer Success for a Home Health Software company, and Director of Patient Care and Alternate Administrator for a home health agency give her a unique perspective and an understanding of the challenges home care agencies face. Lisa is an active member of the Texas Association of Home Care & Hospice for the last 6 years, serving on both the Medicare/Medicaid and Clinical Practice committees. [3546] Take the Guesswork Out of Wound Assessment and Documentation

McClammy, Lisa


Workplace Violence: Planning, Protecting, & Preventing

[3547] Workplace Violence: Planning, Protecting & Preventing
How you can keep your workplace free from violence... Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 14, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.25 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Program Description: As leaders, you have probably asked yourself how you can keep your workplace free from violence in order to safeguard your employees. Have you played out your plan in your mind? Have you role played the plan with your staff? Is your plan part of your emergency preparedness plan? Learn about some recent legislative pushes to require agencies to comply with a prevention plan. Join Grace as she shares her workplace violence experiences and discusses the factors that should be considered as you plan, protect and try to prevent workplace violence. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Grace Werckle, BSN, RN, Home Care Education Nurse Manager, Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice About the Presenter(s):
Grace Werckle worked in the Homecare Industry for over 25 years prior to joining the TAHCH staff. She has had the wonderful opportunity to serve in multiple roles at Home Health Agencies fulfilling positions varying from Administrator to DON/Clinical Supervisor to Case Management to Field RN. With this, Grace was able to provide focus and specialty in QA, OASIS and Compliance and enjoyed learning and held both OASIS and Coding certifications in the past years. Grace received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, Texas and currently works with Texas Association for Homecare and Hospice in the Home Care Education Nurse Manager role. [3547] Workplace Violence: Planning, Protecting & Preventing

Werckle, Grace


Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?

[3545] Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?
The latest in Leadership...and worth your time. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 13, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 2.00 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Program Description: As leaders “We Achieve, are Versatile, Encouraged, and Successful.” “We” represents unity, togetherness, and innovation. “Versatility” brings out our creativity and flexibility that represents great leadership skills. “Encourage” yourself to be great, to be better, and to grow your leadership skills. Also encourage those around you: your co-workers, your subordinates, and teams. Celebrate your “success” as a leader because it is hard work and requires additional strength and perseverance. Strive to “Achieve” beyond the day-to-day operations business. As leaders, we must also be diverse in thought and deliberate in practice. As leaders, we must push the boundaries to new heights. As leaders, we must also be resilient. To navigate unchartered territory, you will need some tools to ensure progress along the way. Here are 5 Steps to Journey Forward. So, let’s ride the WAVES together…Learn how to: WIDEN your lens - See what you don’t know APPRECIATE others - We can’t go it alone. Engage and involve = inclusion VALUE your Leadership skills- “When you know better, you do better.” Lead like a rock star. ENGAGE in “healthy” dialogue - Get comfortable being uncomfortable and embrace difficult conversations. SUSTAINABILITY practices improve progress - Two factors to explore: Social responsibility and external relationships. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Anita Foster-Horne, MSW, Ph.D., Fostering Healthy Solutions, Master Caregiver Company About the Presenter(s):
A Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership qualifies Dr. Anita as an expert in management and leadership. An undergraduate and a Master’s in Social Work adds to her educational advancement and knowledge of the social effects of equality. As a Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Anita is also qualified as a motivator for professional and individual growth, intelligence, professionalism, ethical values, leadership skills, and educational creativity. These are a few of the extraordinary attributes Dr. Anita exhibits as a speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and motivator. With over 25 years of leadership experience, Dr. Anita believes inclusion starts with diversity. In-Depth knowledge of federal and state regulations allow Dr. Anita to train on policy and procedures at multiple levels. A resume holding positions of administrator, director, owner, and operator of several organizations across her career makes Dr. Anita’s character and personality can be defined as an overall professional in leadership, management, and simply hands-on in employee oversight. [3545] Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?

Foster-Horne, Anita


Documenting Functionality

[3544] Documenting Functionality
How to document the patient’s condition to justify home health services. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 14, 2021 Program Description: How do you tell your patient’s story? How do you show someone is homebound and has a skilled need? How do you document the patient’s ability to perform ADLs? This session will answer these questions by discussing the Going Beyond Diagnosis concept and how to document the patient’s condition to justify home health services. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement §558.260[a][7]financial management Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.50 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Charles Canaan, RN, Senior Provider Relations Consultant, Provider Outreach & Education, Palmetto GBA About the Presenter(s):
Charles Canaan has over 30 years of diverse nursing experience in a variety of healthcare settings, to include inpatient, outpatient, home and organizational settings. His education includes a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia and a Master of Public Health Degree in Health Promotion and Education from the University of South Carolina and a Coding for Health Care Professionals Certificate from Trident technical College. He currently provides education and consultation to Medicare providers with learning needs. [3544] Documenting Functionality

Canaan, Charles [Palmetto]


JM HH Workshop: RCD updates for five states ONLY | OH, TX, NC, IL, FL

[3543] JM HHA Workshop: RCD updates for five states ONLY | OH, TX, NC, IL, FL
Where are we in the Demonstration 2 years later? Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 14, 2021 Program Description: What is new in RCD? Where are we in the Demonstration 2 years later? Join us for a discussion on Face to Face encounters. Let’s investigate what make makes an acceptable face to face encounter note for home health. We will take a deep look in to why a face to face encounter is required for home health. Are you interested in how Appeals work in the Review Choice Demonstration? We will cover a brief synopsis of Appeals in RCD. Get your questions and comments ready as we dive into the world of the Review Choice Demonstration! HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement §558.260[a][7]financial management Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Elizabeth Brogdon, LPN, RCD Senior Provider Relations Consultant, Provider Outreach & Education, Palmetto GBA About the Presenter(s):
Elizabeth Brogdon Coming Soon [3543] JM HHA Workshop: RCD updates for five states ONLY | OH, TX, NC, IL, FL

Brogdon, Elizabeth [Palmetto]


PDGM: A Clinical Perspective: Navigating Coding and Documentation for the Future

[3527] PDGM: A Clinical Perspective: Navigating Coding and Documentation for the Future
This programs reveals what is needed to get documentation right the first time. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Program Description: Documentation in home health has always been a challenge. Throw in that coding is now a large part of the revenue that your agency receives, make documentation more important than ever. The struggles with outside documentation from providers, and clinician documentation are enough to drive a quality review department crazy. This programs reveals what is needed to get it right the first time. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): J'non Griffin, RN, Home Health Solutions, LLC. About the Presenter(s):
J'non Griffin is a 34 year veteran of home care as an RN. She received her Master’s Degree in Health Care Administration in 2005. She has experience as a field nurse, director and executive with home health and hospice agencies, both large and small. J’non is certified as a Homecare Coding Specialist-Diagnosis (HCS-D), Certified in OASIS competency, COS-C, Certified in Homecare Coding Specialist-Hospice (HCS-H), Home Care Specialist-Compliance (HCS-C) and is an AHIMA approved ICD-10-CM trainer/ambassador. J’non is an accredited ACHC and CHAP consultant. She has presented several webinars, and has been a nationally recognized speaker on a variety of subjects. [3527] PDGM: A Clinical Perspective: Navigating Coding and Documentation for the Future

Griffin, J'non


The Ins and Outs of a Vaccination Program: Give It a Shot!

[3526] The Ins and Outs of a Vaccination Program: Give It a Shot!
Learn about CDC Guidance on storage, handling, transport and administration requirements of vaccines. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Program Description: Homebound patients deserve an opportunity to receive vaccines in their own home and several laws and regulations govern home care on the best practices of this option. This informative program provides practical guidance on the regulatory and policy expectations of an effective vaccination program at your agency. While agencies are able to administer many vaccines including influenza, Hepatitis B, pneumonia and perform TB testing, via Texas Administrative Code ch. 558.303, there is legislation moving through the Texas Legislative process right now that once signed by our Governor, will allow home health agencies to administer the COVID-19 vaccine and any FDA approved or authorized Vaccine created to mitigate or treat a communicable disease. In this program, you will not only learn about CDC Guidance on storage, handling, transport and administration requirements of vaccines, but you will have plenty of take away tools to bolster your policies and logs and leave confident on how to bill for these services. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.5 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Jennifer Osburn, RN, Home Health Solutions, LLC. About the Presenter(s):
Jennifer Osburn is a Registered Nurse with over 27 years of combined home health staff nurse, clinical management, administration, and technology experience. This diverse background combined with certifications for OASIS and ICD-10 coding knowledge creates a depth of connection to home health staff across the nation.As a seasoned Medicare regulatory thought leader, Jennifer regularly trains on PDGM, Conditions of Participation, Emergency Preparedness, Infection Control, QAPI, Documentation, Coding, OASIS, agency operations and management. Her heart for teaching and supporting home health professionals has created opportunities to present for The Joint Commission, CHAP, NAHC, and numerous state home health associations. [3526] The Ins and Outs of a Vaccination Program: Give It a Shot!

Osburn, Jennifer


Building a Quality Improvement Program

[3524] Building a Quality Improvement Program
An overview of what QAPI entails as well as the purpose and importance of having a Quality Improvement Program for both Medicare and Private Duty providers. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Program Description: This program provides an overview of what QAPI entails as well as the purpose and importance of having a Quality Improvement Program for both Medicare and Private Duty providers. It covers the five standards of effective quality management, discusses how to implement a Performance Improvement Project (PIP), and understand how to analyze a project’s effectiveness. It also looks at what ongoing considerations your program should include. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.5 Clock Hr(s) Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Becky Tolson, RN, Clinical Compliance Educator, Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) About the Presenter(s):
Becky Tolson is a Registered Nurse serving as a Clinical Compliance Educator at Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC). She participates in the development and training of skilled, non-skilled and specialty seminars for accreditation preparation. She has a background in healthcare consulting for home health, private duty, and home care agencies across the country. Her experience consists in both the clinical field and the administrative aspect of agencies. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration to include management and marketing as well as a Certificate for OASIS Specialist – Clinical. She’s been involved in the formation of agency policies and procedures as well as marketing materials/strategies to include website development, agency brochures, and patient education. [3524] Building a Quality Improvement Program

Tolson, Becky [ACHC]


Hiring Sucks! Let's Do it Better!

[3528] Hiring Sucks! Let's Do it Better!
Learn how the hiring process starts days before the job ad posts or the first resume is reviewed Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.00 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: In this program you will learn how the hiring process starts days before the job ad posts or the first resume is reviewed. It will delve into the importance of defining what is considered ideal and how to quantify it. It will also teach why training matters to your hiring team and who should be on it. It will use a book written by Patrick Lencioni to frame the discussion around the interview process and detail the steps needed to improve your talent management incuding: Intent matters Interview Framework: (Humble, Hungry, and Smart) Gap acknowledgement- What is your process missing and what you need to stop doing? Key takeaways that you can use to transition your process into a talent retention program Helpful step by step instructions to create a brand-new process TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Greg Henderson, Whirks About the Presenter(s):
Greg Hendersonbrings over 20 years of military experience and operational knowledge into working first-hand with his clients as the HRO Manager at Whirks. He is engaged in helping small business owners establish awe-inspiring organizations by enhancing their HR solutions to provide purpose, direction, and motivation through an innovative and personable approach. Greg was recently invited to be a member of the exclusive Forbes Human Resources Council and is a regular editorial contributor for Forbes. Host of a weekly LinkedIn video series called “From Boots to Loafers”, Greg draws on his past military leadership as a focal point for today’s leaders. Greg has a passion to help small business owners achieve their goals which continues to fuel Whirks mission for its clients and itself, to get one step better every day. Greg is married to Amanda and they have 5 children. When he is not in the office, Greg enjoys spending time with his family traveling and going on daily adventures. [3528] Hiring Sucks! Let's Do it Better!

Henderson, Greg


TMHP Revalidation, Re-enrollment and Enrollment

[3525] TMHP Revalidation, Re-enrollment and Enrollment
TMHP shares vital provider information on Revalidation, Re-enrollment and Enrollment. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.50 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: In this program representatives from Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership [TMHP] share vital provider information on Revalidation, Re-enrollment and Enrollment. You will learn about revalidation including if changes are needed, they must be done prior to starting revalidation. Furthermore, you will learn the difference between Certified home health and licensed home health processes and gain helpful tips including that providers must complete their revalidation enrollment before the end of their enrollment period. Providers can revalidate their enrollment up to 90 days before their deadlines through Provider Enrollment on the Portal (PEP). If changes need to be done, start early, early, early. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Yolanda Brown, Israel Brarco, Texas Medicaid & Healthcare Partnership [TMHP] About the Presenter(s):
Yolanda Brownis the TMHP Provider Relations Retention and Recruitment Rep for Houston Region. As a Provider Relations Representative, she is responsible for ensuring that a strong provider network is available to provide endless client care. She has 10 years of extensive knowledge of the Provider Enrollment process working as a Provider Enrollment Specialist, validating, and processing Medicaid Applications. About the Presenter(s):
Israel Brarco is a TMHP Provider Relations Representative, in billing and education for The Texas Medical Center, Gulf Coast Region. As a Provider Relations Representative, his job is to provide Billing and provider education and ensuring that every Texan from oldest to tiniest Texan are receiving care without delay. He has over 30 years of billing and revenue cycle experience with extensive knowledge in Medicaid education. [3525] TMHP Revalidation, Re-enrollment and Enrollment

Brown, Yolanda & Brarco, Israel


TWC Employment Law Update for Pandemic & 2021

[3523] TWC Employment Law Update for Pandemic & 2021
The most important employment law developments that face employers during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 13, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.50 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: In this program Mr. Simmons will discuss the most important employment law developments that face employers during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to other hiring, pay, and discrimination issues, he highlights the extent to which an employer may be liable for employees and patients becoming infected, whether employees can be required to get vaccinated, whether employers can make vaccination a condition of applying for a job, and what policies an employer can legally adopt to ensure health and safety in the workplace. He also covers how the pandemic has affected unemployment claims and what employers can do to minimize the financial impact of claims during the pandemic. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): William T. (Tommy) Simmons, Texas Workforce Commission About the Presenter(s):
William T. (Tommy) Simmonsserves as legal counsel for the Commissioner representing employers at the Texas Workforce Commission, where he advises the Commissioner on final-level unemployment and wage claim appeals, assists business groups with employment-related legislation, and counsels employers on Texas and federal employment laws. He is the author of the book Especially for Texas Employers and is also the editor of the Employment Law Handbook of the Texas Association of Business. [3523] TWC Employment Law Update for Pandemic & 2021

Simmons, Tommy


PDGM Revenue Cycle & the Coming Notice of Admission [NOA]

[3522] PDGM Revenue Cycle & the Coming Notice of Admission [NOA]
Are agencies truly surviving 2021 and prepared for the NOA in 2022? Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 12, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: The most significant change agencies have experienced with billing in 2020 is the timely submission requirement for the Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) and the coming Notice of Admission (NOA) in 2022. RAPs have no associated reimbursement in 2021 but carry a monetary penalty if not filed timely. Are agencies truly surviving 2021 and prepared for the NOA in 2022? TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc. About the Presenter(s):
Melinda Gaboury, with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive speaking and educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR &TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry. She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is also the author of the Home Health OASIS Guide toOASIS-D1. [3522] PDGM Revenue Cycle & the Coming Notice of Admission [NOA]

Gaboury, Melinda


Buying & Selling: Insights on Home Health & Hospice Transactions

[3521] Buying & Selling: Insights on Home Health & Hospice Transactions
Information for buyers and sellers regarding what to expect and highlights key considerations... Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 12, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: M&A activity in the home health and hospice space has increased in the past few years. While COVID-19 may have caused unforeseen consequences in these industries, M&A activity is expected to rebound (and even outpace previous years). This program provides information to buyers and sellers regarding what to expect and highlights key considerations for transactions in this space. Specifically, it includes: an overview of the home health and hospice industries an overview of the transaction process tips for buyers and sellers preparing for a transaction. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Rossanna J. Howard and Jonathan E. Sterling, Brown & Fortunato, P.C. About the Presenter(s):
Rossanna J. Howardis an attorney with the Health Care Group at Brown & Fortunato, P.C., a law firm based in Amarillo, Texas. Rossanna has assisted physician groups, long-term care facilities, HME companies, pharmacies, and other health care providers with a range of health care issues including regulatory review of business arrangements; questions related to regulatory hurdles in business transactions; credentialing issues; competitive bidding questions; payor audits; and state and federal government investigations. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the American Health Lawyers Association, and the Houston Bar Association. Rossanna graduated from Baylor University in 2007 and attended law school at Saint Louis University School of Law. While in law school, she concentrated her studies in health care, earning a Health Law concentration. Simultaneously, Rossanna also earned a Master in Public Health with a focus in Health Policy from Saint Louis University School of Public Health. About the Presenter(s):
Jonathan E. Sterlingis an attorney with the Corporate and Finance Group at Brown & Fortunato, P.C., a law firm based in Amarillo, Texas. Jonathan’s practice includes general business matters with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions, healthcare transactions, corporate governance, business start-ups, business counseling, corporate finance, and contract drafting and negotiation. He has served as the principal advisor on numerous healthcare transactions in various industries helping clients achieve their goals and implement unique business strategies. He is a member of the State Bar of Texas, the Dallas Bar Association, and the Dallas Association of Young Lawyers. Jonathan graduated from the University of Texas at Austin in 2012 and then graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Law in 2015 with honors. [3521] Buying & Selling: Insights on Home Health & Hospice Transactions

Howard, Rossanna & Sterling, Tre


HHS Licensing via TULIP: Licensure Application/Renewals/Access/Payment Portal

[3520] HHS Licensing via TULIP: Licensure Application/Renewals/Access/Payment Portal
In this rich-media training presentation Texas HHSC personnel provide useful information on TULIP to clarify use of this portal for TX HCSSAs. Hello There! Are you a Nurse Aide or a Medication Aide looking for TULIP? If so, you are NOT at the Texas HHS TULIP Portal; however here is some info for you! Effective July 5, 2023, Nurse Aides (NAs) and Medication Aides (MAs) are now required to use the new credentialing system in the Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP) for licensing certification or permitting activities. PL 2023-14 The original grace period was through October 31st, however, there was a significant backlog due to identified system issues which led to an extended grace period. All NAs certifications and MA permits active on June 16, 2023, will be considered active until April 30, 2024. Nurse aides renewing their certification are required to complete 24 hours of inservice education every 2 years. NAR Approved In-Service Education Programs has a list of approved programs. Nurse aides may complete 12 of the required 24 hours of in-service education in a healthcare entity other than a facility licensed or certified by HHS, the Texas Department of State Health Services or the Texas Board of Nursing. Effective July 5, 2023, HHSC will not accept or process paper forms that are emailed, mailed or faxed to HHSC. So, click the following link to go to the Texas HHSC TULIP Online Licensure Application System The official pages of the TX HHSC and TULIP portal display FAQs and TX HHSC contact info for your questions and inquiries. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 12, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: The web-based system for Health and Human Services Commission, Texas Unified Licensure Information Portal (TULIP), was designed for licensed long-term care providers. HHSC presents useful information to clarify use of this portal and provides information on the use of this system including but not limited to the following: access to licensure information licensure application and renewals updates to the licensure information user manual resource payment portal use TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Trent Banks, HHSC Regulatory Services About the Presenter(s):
Trent Banksis currently the Manager of Licensing and Certification with Long-term Care Regulatory Licensing and Credentialing for the Health and Human Services Commission. He has served as the Home Health (HCSSA) Manager, an Investigator VI (Team Lead) with Professional Credentialing Enforcement Unit, Regulatory Services Division with Health Human Service Commission. He previously served as an Investigator IV in the PCEU at the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS). Prior to that, he was an investigator at the Texas Department of Juvenile Justice’s Office of Inspector General. Trent was previously a Youth Rights Specialist in the Office of General Counsel at the Texas Youth Commission where he worked to ensure the Rights and Safety of juvenile offenders. Trent has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Southwest Texas State University. [3520] HHS Licensing via TULIP: Licensure Application/Renewals/Access/Payment Portal

Banks, Trent [TX HHSC]


Compliance Issues of the Various COVID Assistance Programs

[3519] Compliance Issues of the Various COVID Assistance Programs
Learn how these programs interact with one another and how to keep your agency in compliance when it comes to reporting for each one. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | May 12, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.5 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Program Description: Amy Knight walks you through the compliance side of the most popular and widely received COVID financial assistance programs including PPP Loans, HHS Provider Relief Funds, CARES Act sick pay and Employee Retention Credits. Each program is complicated on its own, but when multiple programs are utilized the compliance gets far more tricky. Learn how each of these programs interact with one another and how to keep your agency in compliance when it comes to reporting for each one. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Amy Knight,CPA, Knight CPA Group About the Presenter(s):
Amy Knight, was originally from Oklahoma and is now based in Austin, Texas with over 20 years experience almost exclusively in home health and hospice. Her CPA firm, Knight CPA Group, has extensive experience with all financial issues pertaining to home health, hospice and other healthcare providers including cost reporting, accounting & payroll issues that are specific to healthcare providers. [3519] Compliance Issues of the Various COVID Assistance Programs

Knight, Amy


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