Outliers - Friend or Foe?


Outliers - Friend or Foe?

Summary: Understanding outliers, individual case outlier qualification and strategies for wound & diabetic patients.

HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:

  • §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities

Faculty: Teenier, Pamela

Program Description: Managing outliers can be like walking a tightrope...each agency needs to manage resources, patients and community needs. This program walks you through determining individual case outlier qualification and how to determine your agency outlier payment percentage. Basic strategies for clinical management of wound care and diabetic patients, major factors in this complicated puzzle, is also examined.

Program Objectives: Upon completion of this program, the viewer will be able to:

  • Evaluate an individual cases to determine if they will qualify for an outlier payment
  • Identify ways to determine an agencies current outlier payment percentage
  • Discuss basic strategies for clinical management of wound care and diabetic patients

About the Presenter: This program is presented by Pamela Teenier, RN, MBA, CHCE, HCS-D, COS-C, Assistant VP, Medicare Operations, Gentiva Health Services.

Education-Training Credits:

  • 1.1 Hrs HCSSA Administrator/Alternate

[1521] Outliers - Friend or Foe?

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