The Therapy Journey for Children with Chronic or Progressive Conditions


[3881] The Therapy Journey for Children with Chronic or Progressive Conditions
Addresses the unique therapeutic paths that children with chronic or progressive conditions may demonstrate...

Presentation Info:

  • TAHC&H Event | 55th Annual Conference | Rich-Media Presentation Capture | Online On-Demand Access
  • Presentation Date | September 10, 2024

Program Description: This training program addresses the unique therapeutic paths that children with chronic or progressive conditions may demonstrate and will offer a lens through which we can view and analyze along the way. Context and perspective are key when selecting assessment tools and interpreting findings, as well as when making decisions around medical necessity, dosage, and interventions. Routines and priorities unique to the individual child/family are particularly important for children with chronic or progressive conditions, given their complexity, and best practice for gathering and utilizing this vital information is addressed. Additionally, perspective and language around goal development and collaboration with caregivers is explored. There are times in the life of a child with a chronic or progressive condition where strategic use of the Maintenance Level / Prevent Deterioration frequency/dosage level (as outlined in the TMPPM), may be most appropriate. This training program also describes the benefits of this dosage level, and how it can be utilized most effectively.

HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:

  • §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
  • §558.260[a][5]quality improvement
  • §558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management

Education-Training Credits:

  • TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
    • 1.0 Clock Hr(s)
  • Continuing Education for Nurses
    • 1.0 Contact Hr(s)
    • This program awards CNE until 9.10.2026

Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.

Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151

Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.

Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.” Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.

TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Jennifer Lawson, OTR, MS, Knowledge Is Now

About the Presenter(s): Jennifer Lawson has been an Occupational Therapist since 1996, and has focused on pediatric practice since 1999. Since 2008, Jennifer has worked for THERAPY 2000, a growing pediatric home health therapy company. As the Occupational Therapy Program Director for the company, she guides the quality of services provided through activities such as teaching, training, mentoring, and resource development. As of January 2024, Jennifer is also the Director of Operations for Knowledge Is Now, a continuing education and consulting organization. Knowledge Is Now aims to elevate the quality of service for children and families, as well as the experience of professionals, through sharing of best practices in a variety of areas from the specifics of evidence-based clinical skills to leadership and management, and everything in between.

[3881] The Therapy Journey for Children with Chronic or Progressive Conditions

  • Available from:Tuesday 24 September, 2024

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