[3273] PDGM – Changes Can Not Start Soon Enough!
Highlights the areas impacted and outlines process changes to assist agencies in optimizing operations performance.
TAHC&H CONFERENCE RECORDING: This program was presented on 08/27/2019 at the Texas Association of Home Care & Hospice 50th
Annual Meeting in Grapevine. It is one of 17 presentations captured and produced for online access. Subscribers receive 24/7 on-demand access from
both home and office during the subscription period shown at the bottom of this page.
Presentation Info:
Presentation Date: August 27, 2019
TAHC&H Event: TAHC&H Annual Meeting | Grapevine
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§97.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§97.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§97.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
§97.260[a][7]financial management
Program Description: The most significant change in Homecare Reimbursement in 20 years will go into effect
January 2020. The Patient Driven Groupings Model – PDGM is complicated, confusing and overwhelming. Operational areas likely impacted under the new
payment model include referral and sales management, intake, revenue cycle, operational reporting, order and supply management, and much more. This
program highlights the areas impacted and outlines process changes to assist agencies in optimizing operations performance under PDGM to succeed
under this new payment model.
Program Learning Outcome: Participants will actively participate in the learning activity and indicate an intent to change their practice by
implementing policies and clinical practices to uphold quality patient care measures and maximize reimbursement under the Patient Driven Groupings Model.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Melinda A. Gaboury, COS-C, CEO, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.
About the Presenter:
Melinda A. Gaboury with more than 27 years in home care, has over 17 years of executive speaking and
educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement
Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PPS training, billing, collections, case-mix
calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. ZPIC, RA, ADR & TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry.
She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board as ex-officio and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors.
Melinda is also the author of the Home Health Pocket Guide to OASIS-C2: A Reference for Field Staff.
[3273] PDGM – Changes Can Not Start Soon Enough!
[3522] PDGM Revenue Cycle & the Coming Notice of Admission [NOA]
Are agencies truly surviving 2021 and prepared for the NOA in 2022?
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Virtual Event | Spring Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | May 12, 2021
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Program Description: The most significant change agencies have experienced with billing
in 2020 is the timely submission requirement for the Request for Anticipated Payment (RAP) and the coming Notice of Admission (NOA) in 2022.
RAPs have no associated reimbursement in 2021 but carry a monetary penalty if not filed timely. Are agencies truly surviving 2021 and prepared for the NOA in 2022?
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.
About the Presenter(s):
Melinda Gaboury, with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive
speaking and educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and
Hospice Reimbursement Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training,
billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR &TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of
Melinda’s current impact on the industry. She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care
Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is also the author of the Home Health OASIS Guide toOASIS-D1.
[3522] PDGM Revenue Cycle & the Coming Notice of Admission [NOA]
[3742] The Home Health Final Rule – Surviving the Attack on Rates
A deep dive into the current rates and all changes related to the home health final rule and how to survive.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Winter Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | February 9, 2023
Program Description: This presentation digs deep into the current rates and all changes related to the home health final rule
and how agencies should adjust their practices to survive the changes.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.5 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 02.09.2025
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Healthcare Provider Solutions
About the Presenter(s):
Melinda Gaboury , with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive speaking and
educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement
Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix
calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR & TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry.
She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is
also the author of the Home Health OASIS Guide to OASIS-D1.
[3742] The Home Health Final Rule – Surviving the Attack on Rates
[3843] VBID – Hospice 2024 Update
Details of the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model – Hospice Benefit Component.
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Event | Winter Conference | Fort Worth | Rich-Media Presentation Capture for Your Online On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | February 22, 2024
Presentation Track | Medicare Hospice
Program Description: This program covers the details of the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model – Hospice Benefit Component.
Medicare Advantage (MA) has long had coverage for home health patients, but there has never been coverage for Hospice under the MA benefit until 2021 when the VBID demonstration began to include Hospice.
There have been many changes to the Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAO) participating in 2024 as the demonstration has now been extended through 2030.
The differences in coverage for an in-network vs. out-of-network provider will be reviewed and the allowance of MAO plans to force patients to elect IN-NETWORK ONLY.
CMS requires that MAOs provide beneficiaries with broad access to the complete original Medicare hospice benefit. This program covers all known aspects of the demonstration and will
prepare hospices for the reality that Medicare Advantage is now in the Hospice world to stay.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][5]quality improvement
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
1.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 02.22.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.
About the Presenter(s): Melinda A. Gaboury, with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive speaking and educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction
with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement Workshops and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR & TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry. She is currently serving on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board
and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is also the author of the Home Health OASIS Guide to OASIS-D1.
[3843] VBID – Hospice 2024 Update
[3500] Wrapping Your Arms Around RAP Requirements for 2021 and Beyond
Learn what is needed for filing a RAP and the penalty calculation for untimely RAPs
Presentation Info:
TAHC&H Virtual Event | Winter Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access
Presentation Date | February 9, 2021
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§558.260[a][7]financial management
Program Description: Still questioning how your agency may be impacted by the full RAP requirements for 2021?
In this presentation Melinda Gaboury provides you with the opportunity to learn what is needed for filing a RAP and the penalty calculation for untimely RAPs.
Don't miss out on an outline of the NOA timing parameters along with operational processes for being effective with RAP submissions.
Program Learning Objective(s): Coming Soon
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Melinda Gaboury, COS-C, Chief Executive Officer, Healthcare Provider Solutions, Inc.
About the Presenter(s):
Melinda Gaboury, with more than 28 years in home care, has over 18 years of executive speaking and
educating experience, including extensive day to day interaction with home care and hospice professionals. She routinely conducts Home Care and Hospice Reimbursement Workshops
and speaks at state association meetings throughout the country. Melinda has profound experience in Medicare PDGM training, billing, collections, case-mix calculations, chart
reviews and due diligence. UPIC, RA, ADR & TPE appeals with all Medicare MACs have become the forefront of Melinda’s current impact on the industry. She is currently serving
on the NAHC/HHFMA Advisory Board and Work Group and is Associate Director on the Home Care Association of Florida Board of Directors. Melinda is also the author of the Home
Health OASIS Guide to OASIS-D1.
[3500] Wrapping Your Arms Around RAP Requirements for 2021 and Beyond