Foster-Horne, Anita

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Cultural Competency for Health Professionals: Caring Across Cultures

[3727] Cultural Competency for Health Professionals: Caring Across Cultures
Competency in the culture of people can broaden our perspective and improve the level of care currently provided. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | HCSSA Administrator Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | November 16, 2022 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Program Description: Organization culture does not always align to cultural competency. The healthcare industry is unique because we provide care not culture. Competency in the culture of people can broaden our perspective and improve the level of care currently provided. It can feel exhausting and overwhelming unless you can embrace a changing culture. Providing care in a climate that embraces client culture can change the dynamics of the healthcare industry. The presentation is designed to help healthcare leaders develop knowledge, skills, and attitude to perform in a culturally sensitive society. The presenter discusses six core competencies, namely: Inclusive care; Exploring cultural differences; Identify Competency triggers; Understanding Biases; Growth through awareness; Standards and law. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Anita Foster-Horne, RSW, MSW, Ph.D., Master Caregivers About the Presenter(s): A Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership qualifies Dr. Anita as an expert in management and leadership. An undergraduate and a Master’s in Social Work adds to her educational advancement and knowledge of the social effects of equality. As a Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Anita is also qualified as a motivator for professional and individual growth, intelligence, professionalism, ethical values, leadership skills, and educational creativity. These are a few of the extraordinary attributes Dr. Anita exhibits as a speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and motivator. With over 25 years of leadership experience, Dr. Anita believes inclusion starts with diversity. In-Depth knowledge of federal and state regulations allow Dr. Anita to train on policy and procedures at multiple levels. A resume holding positions of administrator, director, owner, and operator of several organizations across her career makes Dr. Anita’s character and personality can be defined as an overall professional in leadership, management, and simply hands-on in employee oversight. [3727] Cultural Competency for Health Professionals: Caring Across Cultures

Foster-Horne, Anita


1.0 Hr
Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?

[3545] Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?
The latest in Leadership...and worth your time. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | 52nd Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | September 13, 2021 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 2.00 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][8]skills for working with clients, families, and other professional service providers Program Description: As leaders “We Achieve, are Versatile, Encouraged, and Successful.” “We” represents unity, togetherness, and innovation. “Versatility” brings out our creativity and flexibility that represents great leadership skills. “Encourage” yourself to be great, to be better, and to grow your leadership skills. Also encourage those around you: your co-workers, your subordinates, and teams. Celebrate your “success” as a leader because it is hard work and requires additional strength and perseverance. Strive to “Achieve” beyond the day-to-day operations business. As leaders, we must also be diverse in thought and deliberate in practice. As leaders, we must push the boundaries to new heights. As leaders, we must also be resilient. To navigate unchartered territory, you will need some tools to ensure progress along the way. Here are 5 Steps to Journey Forward. So, let’s ride the WAVES together…Learn how to: WIDEN your lens - See what you don’t know APPRECIATE others - We can’t go it alone. Engage and involve = inclusion VALUE your Leadership skills- “When you know better, you do better.” Lead like a rock star. ENGAGE in “healthy” dialogue - Get comfortable being uncomfortable and embrace difficult conversations. SUSTAINABILITY practices improve progress - Two factors to explore: Social responsibility and external relationships. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Anita Foster-Horne, MSW, Ph.D., Fostering Healthy Solutions, Master Caregiver Company About the Presenter(s):
A Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership qualifies Dr. Anita as an expert in management and leadership. An undergraduate and a Master’s in Social Work adds to her educational advancement and knowledge of the social effects of equality. As a Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Anita is also qualified as a motivator for professional and individual growth, intelligence, professionalism, ethical values, leadership skills, and educational creativity. These are a few of the extraordinary attributes Dr. Anita exhibits as a speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and motivator. With over 25 years of leadership experience, Dr. Anita believes inclusion starts with diversity. In-Depth knowledge of federal and state regulations allow Dr. Anita to train on policy and procedures at multiple levels. A resume holding positions of administrator, director, owner, and operator of several organizations across her career makes Dr. Anita’s character and personality can be defined as an overall professional in leadership, management, and simply hands-on in employee oversight. [3545] Cultural Leadership Awareness: What is this “New” WAVE of Leadership?

Foster-Horne, Anita


2.0 Hrs
Diversity and Inclusion: A Learning Curve in the Process of Change

[3426] Diversity and Inclusion: A Learning Curve in the Process of Change
The world is on the cusp of change and the future requires leadership. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | 51st Annual Meeting & Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | August 25, 2020 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.0 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][9]community resources Program Description: Identifying the need to be diverse can be eye-opening in multiple ways. Diversity encaptures more than inclusion. Diversity measures our ability to share differences, build relationships, and be creative thinkers. Identifying healthy solutions to diversity requires a deeper understanding of the many definitions available. The workforce is the breeding ground of innovation, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity. While training and mentorship expedite professional development, engaging the workforce’s ideas, energy, and insight leads to improved customer experience, faster innovation, and greater retention rates. As efforts increase for diversity positions and initiatives, inclusivity is the foundation upon which culture is built to last. The world is on the cusp of change and the future requires leadership. What role will you play? It’s time to RESET! Program Learning Objective(s): Participants will actively engage in a discussion of diversity and inclusion by identifying biases that contribute to the lack of diversity, list active approaches to defer anger and anxiety, describe effective strategies for managing difficult conversations, explain how communication can reduce conflict and promote positive change, emotions, compassion, and acceptance. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenters: Anita Foster, MSW, Ph.D., Master Caregivers About the Presenters:
Anita Foster A Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership qualifies Dr. Anita as an expert in management and leadership. An undergraduate and a Master’s in Social Work adds to her educational advancement and knowledge of the social effects of equality. As a Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Anita is also qualified as a motivator for professional and individual growth, intelligence, professionalism, ethical values, leadership skills, and educational creativity. These are a few of the extraordinary attributes Dr. Anita exhibits as a speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and motivator. With over 25 years of leadership experience, Dr. Anita believes inclusion starts with diversity. In-Depth knowledge of federal and state regulations allow Dr. Anita to train on policy and procedures at multiple levels. A resume holding positions of administrator, director, owner, and operator of several organizations across her career makes Dr. Anita’s character and personality can be defined as an overall professional in leadership, management, and simply hands-on in employee oversight. [3426] Diversity and Inclusion: A Learning Curve in the Process of Change

Foster-Horne, Anita


1.0 Hr
HOSPICE RESET: From Grieving to Detachment

[3472] RESET: From Grieving to Detachment
How to go from "burned-out" to resetting your leadership skills. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Virtual Event | Administrator Program | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | November 19, 2020 Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.25 Clock Hr(s) CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting Program Description: Do you regularly find yourself burned out and searching for separation? Are you honing in on your leadership skills to not only take care of your patients and caregivers but also tend to your staff’s needs? Join this discussion with Anita Foster-Horne who will guide you in how we need to “reset” and focus on: Reflection, Revisiting, Recommitting, Reallocating and Reaffirming. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Anita Foster-Horne | MSW, Ph.D., Master Caregivers About the Presenter(s):
Anita Foster-Horne A Doctor of Management in Organizational Leadership qualifies Dr. Anita as an expert in management and leadership. An undergraduate and a Master’s in Social Work adds to her educational advancement and knowledge of the social effects of equality. As a Certified Professional Coach, Dr. Anita is also qualified as a motivator for professional and individual growth, intelligence, professionalism, ethical values, leadership skills, and educational creativity. These are a few of the extraordinary attributes Dr. Anita exhibits as a speaker, teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and motivator. With over 25 years of leadership experience, Dr. Anita believes inclusion starts with diversity. In-Depth knowledge of federal and state regulations allow Dr. Anita to train on policy and procedures at multiple levels. A resume holding positions of administrator, director, owner, and operator of several organizations across her career makes Dr. Anita’s character and personality can be defined as an overall professional in leadership, management, and simply hands-on in employee oversight. [3472] RESET: From Grieving to Detachment

Foster-Horne, Anita


1.25 Hrs
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