Spears, Jan

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Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) - Implementation for Home Health & Hospice

[3745] Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) - Implementation for Home Health & Hospice
Describes the process for setting up a CDI in your agency to improve multiple aspects of your agency's operation. Presentation Info: TAHC&H Event | Winter Conference | Recorded for On-Demand Access Presentation Date | February 9, 2023 Program Description: CDI is rapidly making its way into the home health and hospice industry! The onslaught of medical reviews resulting in denial of payment, significant overpayments, and even suspension of payments has pointed out one clear fact - a Clinical Documentation Improvement Program is tantamount to survival. The name is new; the process is not. Agencies have been doing many pieces of CDI for years but have failed to formalize it into a robust CDI Program. Improving documentation to support skilled need, coding, outcomes, quality initiatives, reimbursement is ongoing and is distributed among many roles in the office. But the time to formalize the program is NOW! This presentation describes the process for setting up a CDI in your agency with the purpose being to improve patient outcomes, prevent denials, maintain survey readiness, improve the integrity of documentation and coding process to ensure accurate reimbursement, protect the agency from liability and claims errors, improve Agency Star Ratings, Value Based Purchasing Outcomes, and CAHPS while maintaining peace of mind in the agency's overall operation. CDI can be a part of the QAPI program, but CDI goes beyond the QAPI program involving metrics, financials and operations in addition to clinical functions tracked in QAPI. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][5]quality improvement §558.260[a][7]financial management Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.5 Clock Hr(s) Continuing Education for Nurses 1.5 Contact Hr(s) This program awards CNE until 02.09.2025 Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151 Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation. Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.” Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): M Jan Spears, CPCO, MJS & Associates, LLC About the Presenter(s):
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 35 years’ experience in health care administration and regulatory and reimbursement areas of practice. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for more than 300 homecare providers in 25 states in the past 20 years. Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. She serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. Since 2015, Spears has also provided testimony as a Medicare reimbursement and billing expert at criminal trials for physicians, home health and other provider types involved in Medicare fraud litigation, including the largest physician fraud case in U.S. history. She has authored several publications including most recently the development of process and forms for complying with upcoming pre-claim review initiatives. Always the advocate for home health and hospice and as a certified educator in the state, Spears is a frequent guest speaker at stakeholder association meetings in Texas and surrounding states where she provides practical guidance to people in the trenches of the health care. [3745] Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) - Implementation for Home Health & Hospice

Spears, Jan


1.5 Hrs
Marketing in Healthcare – Put Your BEST Foot Forward Without Breaking the Law or Bank!

[3138] Marketing in a Healthcare Environment – Putting Your BEST Foot Forward Without Breaking the Law or the Bank!
For the administrator who needs to grow the business in a heavily regulated, highly competitive marketplace. Presentation Info: Presentation Date: November 13, 2018 TAHC&H Event: TAHC&H HCSSA Administrator Program | Houston Subscription Type: Individual Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.5 Clock Hrs CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][10]marketing Program Description: Marketing in healthcare is an increasingly complex and dangerous endeavor. Laws and regulations fail to provide clear guidance as to what the agency can and can’t do as it relates to hiring and training a sales force, developing sales and promotion campaigns using electronic media, participating on community health fairs, and most importantly, making contact with the right people, and competing against the big guys! The best ideas in the real-world sales environment often fail to meet the requirements of the federal and state anti-solicitation laws, safe harbor requirements in the Anti-Kickback Statute, STARK rules, or the Gifts to Beneficiaries limitations, and competitors are only too happy to report any perceived violations to government investigators who will take it seriously! This presentation is designed for the administrator who needs to grow the business in a heavily regulated, highly competitive marketplace while protecting the pocketbook from costly endeavors. Jan will review the regulatory restrictions that impose limitations on the provider, BUT she will also introduce you to 9 successful marketing strategies that are economical, investigator friendly, and owner appreciated. Program Learning Outcome: Participants will actively engage in the learning activity and indicate an intent to change or enhance their practice by implementing marketing practices in compliance with state and federal regulations. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Jan Spears, CEO, MJS & Associates, LLC About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years, Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. Jan serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. She has authored several publications and heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates, LLC. [3138] Marketing in a Healthcare Environment – Putting Your BEST Foot Forward Without Breaking the Law or the Bank!

Spears, Jan


1.5 Hrs
QAPI: Closing the Loop on Agency Performance

Presentation Info: Presentation Date: November 14, 2017 TAHC&H Event: HCSSA Administrator Program | Houston Subscription Type: Individual Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.00 Clock Hrs CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §97.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §97.260[a][5]quality improvement Program Description: All agencies believe they provide quality service in an effective, efficient, and economically sound manner. But proving and backing up the assertions requires a Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement (QAPI) program that quantifies results in a measurable way. This program reviews the regulatory requirement for QAPI program including selection of committee members, development of an effective QAPI policy and plan, minimal requirements set forth by the state, and activities that can be performed, measured, and quantified from point to point of review. It also provide updates for the new QAPI condition and agency requirements applicable to Medicare certified home health agencies to be implemented on January 8, 2018. The presenter also provides a sample policy and procedure guide for the new requirements. Program Learning Outcome: Learners will actively engage in the learning activity and indicate an intent to change or enhance their practice by choosing quality projects that produce measurable outcomes to enhance patient care. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Jan Spears, Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years, Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. Jan serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. She has authored several publications and heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates, LLC. [3107] QAPI: Closing the Loop on Agency Performance

Spears, Jan


1.0 Hr
Marketing in Healthcare: The Can You and Can’t You Dilemma

[3104] Marketing in Healthcare: The Can You and Can’t You Dilemma
The most important presentation on marketing your agency. TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Jan Spears Presentation Info: Presentation Date: November 14, 2017 TAHC&H Event: HCSSA Administrator Program | Houston Subscription Type: Individual Education-Training Credits: TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education 1.50 Clock Hrs CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management §558.260[a][10]marketing Program Description: Health care facilities are faced with the need to grow their businesses through the sharing of information about programs and services in an effective manner. But the rules for implementing an effective marketing program in health care are limited by several state and federal laws including the Prohibition of Solicitation Law, the Anti-Kickback Law, Gifts to Beneficiaries, Stark, and other rules implementing by contract and program directives. Failure to comply with these rules can result in disallowance of a referral, monetary penalties, loss of licensure, and yes, even imprisonment in some instances. The presenter explores marketing prohibitions by addressing what an agency “can’t do” under specific regulations as well as activities that the agency “can do” to promote its business in compliance the law. Program Learning Outcome: Learners will actively engage in the learning activity and indicate an intent to change or enhance their practice by implementing marketing practices in compliance with state and federal regulations. About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years, Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. Jan serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. She has authored several publications and heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates, LLC. [3104] Marketing in Healthcare: The Can You and Can’t You Dilemma

Spears, Jan


1.5 Hrs
Contracting with MCOs: Benefit vs. Pitfalls

[2974] Contracting with MCOs: Benefit vs, Pitfalls Education-Training Credits: 1.0 Hr(s) HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Summary:The pros and cons of working with MCOs in and out of network. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Faculty:Spears, Jan Program Description: This program presents the pros and cons of working with MCOs in and out of network. As traditional payor sources implement payment reductions, new payment models or move exclusively to Managed Care, home health agencies are once again looking at the best way to work within the Managed Care arena. Some MCOs can pick and choose their provider networks based upon geographical area, STARs reporting, and pricing models. Medicaid MCOs typically offer below market value contracts. Although the MCO must follow the home health rules, the payer can establish additional requirements such as prior authorization, timeframes for physician signatures, etc. that can be more stringent than the traditional counterpart. The avenues for appeals are cumbersome and often leave the provider “holding the bag.” Learn how to package your agency for quality, cost and satisfaction in advance of seeking contracts with the MCOs in your area. Delivering care in accordance with MCO requirements requires process modifcation for order development, authorization management and billing. In addition, the presenter touches on best practice processes to improve coverage and reduce days outstanding on your claims. Presentation Date: 11.15.2016 Learning Outcomes(s): Participants will actively engage in the activity and indicate an intent to change or enhance their practice by delivering care in accordance with Managed Care Organization (MCO) requirements while incorporating best documentation practices in order to ensure coverage and reduce days outstanding on agency claims. About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years, Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. Jan serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. She has authored several publications and heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates. [2974] Contracting with MCOs: Benefit vs, Pitfalls

Spears, Jan


1.0 Hr
What Financial Reports Really Mean to the Health Care Manager

[2741] What Financial Reports Really Mean to the Health Care Manager Education-Training Credits: 1.25 Hr(s) HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Summary: Financial reports for non-financial folks... HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Faculty: Spears, Jan Program Description: Whether you are planning for growth and need capital investment or a business loan, or planning for a sale and need a quick evaluation of your agency’s worth, or if you simply need a measurement of your month-to-month progress, financial reports are the first critical pieces to which you must look. If these reports are prepared internally or from outsourced to an accounting firm, understanding the significance of the information is the responsibility of the owner, administrator and, yes, the clinical management team. This program explains key concepts that your financials might reveal about the agency and covers topics such as.... standard reporting formats and recommended frequencies cash vs accrual options fixed vs variable costs debt to equity ratios break-even points and a brief review of case-mix weights as these affect your revenue performance You will learn some standard formulas that you can apply to trend your financial performance from point to point in your reporting year in key areas such as management of accounts receivables through Days Outstanding calculations. This program is presented in a friendly environment for the non-accounting managers! Presentation Date: 08.13.2015 Program Objectives: Upon completion of this program, the viewer will be able to: Identify two reasons why clinical managers need to understand financial reports Recall the difference between cash versus accrual methods in financial reporting Identify three of the four standard financial reports formats that are products of financial data Calculate Days Sales Outstanding as a component of evaluating accounts receivable stability Identify four components that affect case mix rates for the Medicare home health patient Calculate debt to equity ratio as a component of agency’s liquidity About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years, Ms. Spears has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. Jan serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. She has authored several publications and heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates, LLC. [2741] What Financial Reports Really Mean to the Health Care Manager

Spears, Jan


1.25 Hrs
Bonafide Ways to Improve Cash Flow & Cash Maintenance

[2603] SHOW ME THE MONEY!! Bonafide Ways to Improve Cash Flow and Cash Maintenance Education-Training Credits: 1.50 Hr(s) HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Summary: A cash receipt plan to help keep cash in the bank. HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed: §558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities §558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting §558.260[a][7]financial management Faculty: Spears, Jan Program Description: Home care and hospice revenues are becoming more and more difficult to obtain and nearly impossible to keep in today’s atmosphere of non-traditional Medicare with the scrutiny of government contractors in post payment reviews. This Program explores several key components of a cash receipts plan that will help the agency improve its conversion of receivables to real “cash in bank.” Surrounding the agency with a robust and timely billing and collections process, while incorporating key compliance steps, will assist the agency in maintaining its cash in post payment audits. This program also offers processes that can be implemented to reduce the risk of denials, overpayments or suspension of payments. Measuring revenue cycle performance over time will prove the worth of developing a comprehensive revenue management program into home health or hospice operations. Presentation Date: 8.21.2014 Program Objectives: Upon completion of this program, the viewer will be able to: Identify three typical threats to revenue cycle performance. Recall two measures to improve the timely conversion of receivables to cash. Identify three steps to incorporate clinical triggers into the revenue management plan. About the Presenter:
Jan Spears is Co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of MJS & Associates, LLC. She has more than 30 years’ experience in the health care field. Ms. Spears has owned and operated a multimillion dollar home health care company as well as consulted for over 300 homecare providers in 25 states. As a full time consultant for the past 15 years she has successfully merged clinical and financial strategies into successful operational plans for numerous providers nationwide. She serves as a Medicare coverage expert for health care facilities who are undergoing audits by federal contractors through all levels of appeals. Jan has also authored several publications including Home Health Agency—Policies and Procedures, “Care Guides for Home Health Practice under PPS”. She heads a team of more than 25 consultants at MJS & Associates, LLC. [2603] SHOW ME THE MONEY!! Bonafide Ways to Improve Cash Flow and Cash Maintenance

Spears, Jan


1.5 Hrs
Caring for Your Hospice Business - a Month in the Life of a Hospice Administrator

[1355]Caring for Your Hospice Business - a Month in the Life of a Hospice Administrator Subscription Type: Individual Faculty:Spears The heart of hospice is caring for the patient but caring for the business of hospice must be the focus of the administrator. How can you get on top of the business of hospice and stay there? This program traces the business activities that the hospice administrator must manage through one operational month in the hospice year. While the hospice administrator may be a clinician with clinical oversight duties as well, the focus for this program is the operational and financial activites that when performed well, signal a healthy business environment. The program includes guidance on budgeting, contracting, staffing, billing, collecting, compensating staff and more to assist the administrator in establishing a report card on the hospice's overall performance. Caring for the hospice business IS caring for the hospice patient! Presented by Jan Spears, MJS & Associates. Her expertise as a business consultant to home care and hospice providers as well as physician groups, hospitals, durable medical equipment suppliers, and legal counselors has increased her demand to more than 20 states during the past two years. As a certified educator, Jan uses teaching methodologies that simplify the most complex theories into practical day-to-day advice for the entry level or the most experienced health care provider. She heads a team of more than thirty-five consultants at MJS & Associates, known for its solution-driven approach to achieving best practice to clinical and operational standards for all provider types. Education-Training Credits: 2.0 Hr(s) HCSSA Administrator/Alternate

Spears, Jan


2.0 Hrs
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