[3278] Technology Revolution in Home Care
A look at real life case studies of how technology is being implemented in home and community care.
TAHC&H CONFERENCE RECORDING: This program was presented on 08/27/2019 at the Texas Association of Home Care & Hospice 50th
Annual Meeting in Grapevine. It is one of 17 presentations captured and produced for online access. Subscribers receive 24/7 on-demand access from
both home and office during the subscription period shown at the bottom of this page.
Presentation Info:
Presentation Date: August 27, 2019
TAHC&H Event: TAHC&H Annual Meeting | Grapevine
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.25 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§97.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§97.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
§97.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
§97.260[a][7]financial management
Program Description:With an ever-changing competitive market, providers need to consider
how to deliver services more efficiently. This program takes a look at real life case studies of how technology is being implemented
in home and community care to assist in the delivery of services. What technologies are being implemented to record and monitor changes
in an individual’s health? What is being implemented in regional and remote areas to ensure the wellbeing of seniors?
Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that is concentrated on developing algorithms that
analyze data and predict future events with tremendous accuracy. It is a technology that is well suited to identify hidden trends and
patterns in vast amounts of data, not visible to the human eye. Jonathan Vallée, CTO of AlayaCare, an end-to-end home healthcare software
solution, discusses the importance of collecting and analyzing data, provide real examples of feasible tech solutions organizations
could implement today, explore the insights gained from utilizing machine learning, and present the results of two studies on applying
machine learning to streams of incoming remote patient monitoring vitals for decision support.
Program Learning Outcome: Participants will actively engage in the learning activity and
indicate an intent to change their practice by implementing remote patient monitoring as a tool to aid in improving optimal patient outcomes.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Jonathan Vallée, M.Sc., CTO, AlayaCare
About the Presenter: Jonathan Vallée is the VP, Engineering at AlayaCare. AlayaCare looks to
deliver the next disruptive solution for the industry by combining remote patient monitoring, clinical documentation and back office software
supported by machine learning and optimization. Jonathan holds a M.Sc. in machine learning where he has been awarded the board of honors and
has worked as a data science researcher before taking the leadership of JDA’s data science team and now AlayaCare’s. Jonathan is an inventor
and co-inventor on four patents and strives to innovate the home healthcare industry.
[3278] Technology Revolution in Home Care