The Initial 8HR [Phase One] Training is for those who (1) meet the qualifications of TAC §558.244 to serve as an administrator or alternate administrator, and (2) will be considered a NEW, FIRST-TIME administrator or alternate administrator, and (3) require the Initial 8 hour of training per TAC §558.259(c) so they can be designated an administrator or alternate administrator.
The Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training is for those who (1) have completed the Initial 8 clock hours of Administrator Training defined in TAC §558.259(c), and (2) need to complete an additional 16 clock hours defined in TAC §558.259(d) to comply with the 24 hour training requirement defined in TAC §558.259(b).
[PKG_PH2B] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Hospice Providers
Use this package to complete the next phase of the 24HR Initial training requirement | for Licensed Hospice Providers | [Revised Dec 2024]
Summary: This specially-priced curriculum was created by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff
to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial 16 hour training requirement for a new administrator or alternate administrator of a licensed hospice provider type.
Curriculum Description: The curriculum includes Fourteen (14) programs
selected by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial [16 Hr] training requirement for a new
administrator or alternate administrator. It also delivers a $47.50 savings compared to ordering the 14 programs separately. This curriculum must be completed within the 12-month period following designation
as an administrator or alternate.
Each new administrator & alternate administrator must
subscribe individually to this curriculum. A subscription provides six (6) months of program access.
Programs can be viewed 24/7, from home or office, unlimited times prior to the subscription expiration.
Successful completion of an online post-test generates a printable certificate
displaying the registered individual's name, program number and title with reference to
the specific regulatory citation and date of completion. Access to the HCIN Classroom continues
even after a subscription access period expires providing easy access to training records and completion certificates at any time.
HCSSA Topic Requirements for Licensed Hospice Providers
All Required Topic(s) are addressed by these Programs:
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate
16.25 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
13.25 Contact Hr(s) Total
5.5 Hrs Nurse CE programs awarded until 5.10.2025
7.75 Hrs Nurse CE programs awarded until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
Click Links to see descriptive details for each program.
-[468] Administrator Training: Initial Training Requirements
Program Details
§558.259[d][1]information regarding fraud and abuse detection and prevention
-[3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
Program Details
§558.259[d][2]legal issues regarding advance directives
-[3894] Advanced Concepts in Risk Management | Advance Directives |What Providers Need to Know
Program Details
§558.259[d][3]client rights, including the right to confidentiality
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
-[3577] State Survey Readiness for All HCSSAs
Program Details
-[3766] HOS Can Your Hospice Documentation Survive a Medical Review Audit?
Program Details
-[3767] HOS QAPI - Make A Compliance Program Prepare You for Surveys
Program Details
-[3768] HOS Infection Control
Program Details
-[3769] HOS Hospice Emergency Preparedness
Program Details
-[3770] HOS What to expect with Hospice Surveys & New Hospice Guidelines
Program Details
§558.259[d][5]complaint investigation and resolution
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][6]emergency preparedness planning and implementation
-[3891] Emergency Preparedness
Program Details
§558.259[d][7]abuse, neglect, and exploitation
-[3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Program Details
§558.259[d][8]infection control
-[3892] Infection Control Updates
Program Details
§558.259[d][9]nutrition (for agencies licensed to provide inpatient hospice services)
-[772] Nutrition at End-of-Life
Program Details
[PKG_PH2B] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Hospice Providers
[PKG_PH2C] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Licensed Home Health Providers
Use this package to complete the next phase of the 24HR Initial training requirement | for Licensed Home Health Providers | [Revised Dec 2024]
Summary: This specially-priced curriculum was created by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff
to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial 16 hour training requirement for a new administrator or alternate administrator of a licensed home health provider type.
Curriculum Description: The curriculum includes Fourteen (14) programs
selected by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial [16 Hr] training requirement for a new
administrator or alternate administrator. It also delivers a $62.50 savings compared to ordering the 14 programs separately. This curriculum must be completed within the 12-month period following designation
as an administrator or alternate.
Each new administrator & alternate administrator must
subscribe individually to this curriculum. A subscription provides six (6) months of program access.
Programs can be viewed 24/7, from home or office, unlimited times prior to the subscription expiration.
Successful completion of an online post-test generates a printable certificate
displaying the registered individual's name, program number and title with reference to
the specific regulatory citation and date of completion. Access to the HCIN Classroom continues
even after a subscription access period expires providing easy access to training records and completion certificates at any time.
HCSSA Topic Requirements for Licensed & Certified HH Svcs Providers
All Required Topic(s) are addressed by these Programs:
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate
16.75 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
13.25 Contact Hr(s) Total
5.5 Hrs Nurse CE programs awarded until 5.10.2025
7.75 Hrs Nurse CE programs awarded until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
Click Links to see descriptive details for each program.
-[468] Administrator Training: Initial Training Requirements
Program Details
§558.259[d][1]information regarding fraud and abuse detection and prevention
-[3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
Program Details
§558.259[d][2]legal issues regarding advance directives
-[3894] Advanced Concepts in Risk Management | Advance Directives |What Providers Need to Know
Program Details
§558.259[d][3]client rights, including the right to confidentiality
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
-[3718] Marketing, Recruitment, and Retention
Program Details
-[3577] State Survey Readiness for All HCSSAs
Program Details
-[3761] LicHH Mitigating Non-Compliance: What to Expect During an LHH Survey or Investigation
Program Details
-[3762] LicHH Infection Control: Regulations and Best Practices
Program Details
-[3763] LicHH Emergency Preparedness – Every LHHS Should Have a Plan
Program Details
-[3764] LicHH QAPI - Make A Compliance Program Prepare You for Surveys
Program Details
-[3765] LicHH Dispelling Urban Legends of Compliant Home Health Plans of Care and Documentation
Program Details
§558.259[d][5]complaint investigation and resolution
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][6]emergency preparedness planning and implementation
-[3891] Emergency Preparedness
Program Details
§558.259[d][7]abuse, neglect, and exploitation
-[3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Program Details
§558.259[d][8]infection control
-[3892] Infection Control Updates
Program Details
[PKG_PH2C] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Licensed Home Health Providers
[PKG_PH2D] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Medicare CHHA Providers
Use this package to complete the next phase of the 24HR Initial training requirement | for Licensed & Certified Providers | [Revised Dec 2024]
Summary: This specially-priced curriculum was created by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff
to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial 16 hour training requirement for a new administrator or alternate administrator of a licensed and certified
(i.e. Medicare certified) home health provider type or those applying for Medicare certification.
Curriculum Description: The curriculum includes thirteen (13) programs
selected by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial [16 Hr] training requirement for a new
administrator or alternate administrator. It also delivers a $47.50 savings compared to ordering the 13 programs separately. This curriculum must be completed within the 12-month period following designation
as an administrator or alternate.
Each new administrator & alternate administrator must
subscribe individually to this curriculum. A subscription provides six (6) months of program access.
Programs can be viewed 24/7, from home or office, unlimited times prior to the subscription expiration.
Successful completion of an online post-test generates a printable certificate
displaying the registered individual's name, program number and title with reference to
the specific regulatory citation and date of completion. Access to the HCIN Classroom continues
even after a subscription access period expires providing easy access to training records and completion certificates at any time.
HCSSA Topic Requirements for Licensed & Certified HH Svcs Providers
All Required Topic(s) are addressed by these Programs:
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate
16.25 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
10.0 Contact Hr(s) Total
Nurse CE programs award CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
Click Links to see descriptive details for each program.
-[468] Administrator Training: Initial Training Requirements
Program Details
§558.259[d][1]information regarding fraud and abuse detection and prevention
-[3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
Program Details
§558.259[d][2]legal issues regarding advance directives
-[3894] Advanced Concepts in Risk Management | Advance Directives |What Providers Need to Know
Program Details
§558.259[d][3]client rights, including the right to confidentiality
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
-[3577] State Survey Readiness for All HCSSAs
Program Details
-[3895] Impactful Leadership for Home Health Care Organizations
Program Details
-[3896] Advanced Concepts in Compliance
Program Details
-[3900] Advanced Concepts in Ethical Practices
Program Details
§558.259[d][5]complaint investigation and resolution
-[3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][6]emergency preparedness planning and implementation
-[3891] Emergency Preparedness
Program Details
§558.259[d][7]abuse, neglect, and exploitation
-[3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Program Details
§558.259[d][8]infection control
-[3892] Infection Control Updates
Program Details
§558.259[d][10]the Oucome and Assessment Information Set (OASIS)
-[715] Orientation to Comprehensive Assessment, OASIS & Outcomes
Program Details
-[3684] Finding the Value in OASIS E
Program Details
[PKG_PH2D] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Medicare CHHA Providers
[PKG_PH2A] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training for Administrators & Alternates of Personal Assistance Services Providers
Use this package to complete the next phase of the 24HR Initial training requirement for PAS Providers. [Revised Dec 2024]
Summary: This specially-priced curriculum was created by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff
to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial 16 hour training requirement for a new administrator or alternate administrator of a personal assistance services (PAS) provider type.
Curriculum Description: The curriculum includes fourteen (14) programs
selected by TAHC&H education and regulatory staff to satisfy TX §558.259( d ), the Initial [16 Hr] training requirement for a new
administrator or alternate administrator of a personal assistance services (PAS) provider type. It delivers $55.00 in savings compared to ordering the 14 programs separately.
This curriculum must be completed within the 12-month period following designation
as an administrator or alternate. Each new administrator & alternate administrator must
subscribe individually. A subscription provides access for six (6) months. Programs can be viewed 24/7, from home or office, unlimited times prior to the subscription expiration.
Successful completion of an online post-test generates printable certificate(s) displaying the registered individual's name, program number and title with reference to
the specific regulatory citation and date of completion. Subsctiber access to the HCIN Classroom continues even after a subscription access period expires providing easy access to training records and completion certificates.
HCSSA Topic Requirements for Personal Assistance Services Providers
All Required Topic(s) are addressed by these Programs:
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate
16.5 Clock Hr(s) Total
Continuing Education for Nurses
13.25 Contact Hr(s) Total
5.5 Contact Hr(s) award CNE until 05.11.2025
7.75 Contact Hr(s) award CNE until 11.12.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
List of Programs Included
Click Links to see descriptive details for each program.
- [468] Administrator Training: Initial Training Requirements
Program Details
§558.259[d][1]information regarding fraud and abuse detection and prevention
- [3893] Fraud, Waste & Abuse Laws | Recent Developments & Compliance Tips
Program Details
§558.259[d][2]legal issues regarding advance directives
- [3894] Advanced Concepts in Risk Management | Advance Directives | What Providers Need to Know
Program Details
§558.259[d][3]client rights, including the right to confidentiality
- [3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
- [3718] Marketing, Recruitment, and Retention
Program Details
- [3751] Preventing Common Citations: What to Expect During a PAS Survey or Investigation
Program Details
- [3752] QAPI for PAS Agencies
Program Details
- [3753] Emergency Preparedness: Every PAS Provider Should Have a Plan
Program Details
- [3754] PAS Reporting Requirements
Program Details
- [3455] Preparing Your PAS Personnel Files for a Successful Survey
Program Details
- [3899] Advanced Concepts in Budgeting
Program Details
§558.259[d][5]complaint investigation and resolution
- [3889] Complaint Investigation and Resolution
Program Details
§558.259[d][6]emergency preparedness planning and implementation
- [3891] Emergency Preparedness
Program Details
§558.259[d][7]abuse, neglect, and exploitation
- [3890] Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation
Program Details
§558.259[d][8]infection control
- [3892] Infection Control Updates
Program Details
[PKG_PH2A] Initial 16HR [Phase Two] Training Curriculum for Administrators & Alternates of Personal Assistance Services Providers
[PKG_PH1] Initial 8HR [Phase One] Training for New TX HCSSA Administrators & Alternates - Revised Nov 2024
Initial Phase One - satisfies the initial 8HR requirement - For All Provider Types - Revised Nov 2024
Curriculum Description: This curriculum provides five (5) programs produced by TAHC&H to specifically satisfy regulatory rule
TX §558.259( c ), the Initial 8 hour training required prior to designation as a new administrator or alternate administrator. This curriculum is applicable to ALL HCSSA license types.
Each new administrator & alternate administrator candidate must subscribe individually to this curriculum. A subscription provides sixty (60) days of program access.
Programs can be viewed 24/7, from home or office, unlimited times prior to the subscription expiration. Successful completion of an online post-test generates printable certificate(s)
displaying the registered individual's name, program title & number of hours awarded, along with the specific regulatory citation and date of completion.
Curriculum HCSSA Rule Reference(s) | Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[c][1]information on the licensing standards for an agency
§558.259[c][2]information on the state and federal laws applicable to an agency, including:
§558.259[c][2](A)Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 142, Home and Community Support Services,
and Chapter 250, Nurse Aide Registry and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Applicants
for Employment in Certain Facilities Serving the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities
§558.259[c][2](B)Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 102, Rights of the Elderly
§558.259[c][2](C)Americans with Disabilities Act
§558.259[c][2](D)Civil Rights Act of 1991
§558.259[c][2](E)Rehabilitation Act of 1993
§558.259[c][2](F)Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
§558.259[c][2](G)Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements
Curriculum Program/Rule Crosswalk:
[3886] Employment Law | Rule Reference: 558.259 (c) (2) (C) (D) (E) (F)
[3887] HCSSA Regulatory Compliance for Administrators | Part One & Part 2 | Covers topics outlined in HCSSA Licensure rule related to information on licensing standards and
applicable state or Federal Laws, including, Texas Health & Safety Code. Chapter 142(HCSSA) and Chapter 250.(NAR
and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Applicants). Rule Reference: 558.259 (c)(1), and 558.259 (c)(2),(A),(B),(C)&(G); and 558.259 (d)(2)&(4).
Curriculum Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate
8.5 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
4.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.11.2026
[3886] Employment Law
Learn the latest about the ADA, Civil Rights Act of 1991, Rehab Act of 1993 and the FMLA of 1993.
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.5 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[c][2][C]the Americans with Disabilities Act
§558.259[c][2][D]the Civil Rights Act of 1991
§558.259[c][2][E]the Rehabilitation Act of 1993
§558.259[c][2][F]the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Program Description: In this informative session, Brian Aslin reviews the key tenets of several important employment
law regulations providing you not only a clear understanding of each but also practical takeaways that can be utilized by organizations to be better positioned
and protected from missteps. Core employment law regulations include...
Title XII of the Civil Rights Act
The Americans with Disabilities Act
recent PWFA & PUMP Acts
Family Medical Leave Act well as a look at EEOC Cases, the agency's focus in the coming months/years in addition to a glance at recent NLRB case law.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter(s): Brian Aslin, Ogletree Deakins
About the Presenter(s): Brian Aslin Coming Soon
[3887] HCSSA Regulatory Compliance for Administrators [Nov2024]
An extensive presentation of Texas Chapter 97 Licensing Standards for Home and Community Support Services Agencies (HCSSAs).
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
Part 1: 2.0 Clock Hr(s)
Part 2: 2.0 Clock Hr(s)
Total : 4.0 Clock Hr(s)
Continuing Education for Nurses
Part 1: 2.0 Contact Hr(s)
Part 2: 2.0 Contact Hr(s)
Total : 4.0 Contact Hr(s)
This program awards CNE until 11.11.2026
Texas HCSSA CE Approval Statement
This program meets continuing education requirements for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
Nurse CE Approval Statement
Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by Louisiana State Nurses
Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. LSNA Provider No. 4002151
Requirements for Successful Completion
To receive continuing education credits for this online presentation participant must view the entire online presentation, complete an evaluation, and post-test attestation.
Reporting of Perceived Bias
Bias, as defined by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC COA/LSNA) is the “tendency or inclination to cause partiality, favoritism, or influence.”
Commercial bias may occur when a CNE activity promotes one or more product(s) (drugs, devices, services, software, hardware, etc.). This definition is not all inclusive and participants may use
their own interpretation in deciding if a presentation is biased. The ANCC COA is interested in the opinions and perceptions of participants at approved CNE activities, especially in the presence
of actual or perceived bias in continuing education. Therefore, ANCC invites participants to access their “ANCC Accreditation Feedback Line” to report any noted bias or conflict of interest in the
education activity. The toll free number is 1(866) 262-9730.
Program Description: This is a 2-part, rich-media capture of the TAHC&H live training
presentations specifically focused on Texas Chapter 97 Licensing Standards for Home and Community Support Services Agencies (HCSSAs).
It covers topics outlined in the HCSSA Licensure rule related to information on licensing standards and applicable state or Federal Laws, including, required content from
Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 250 and Chapter 142 and its intent as it relates to licensing standards that must be met by administrators.
Additional topics addressed include Nurse Aide Registry and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Applicants for Employment in Certain Facilities
Serving the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities; Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 102, Rights of the Elderly; and OSHA.
This program [3887] is a component of the Initial Phase One training curriculum for new HCSSA Administrators and Alternates. Existing Administrators and Alternates can
also use this program [3887] as a component of their annual continuing education. Upon successful completion, three (3) completion certificates are available for you to document this training:
TX HCSSA Administrator Hrs referencing applicable §558.259 topics [Certificates when used for Initial Training]
TX HCSSA Administrator Hrs referencing §558.260 (a)(1) topic [Certificates when used for Annual Admin CE]
Nurse CE Hrs
HCSSA Rule Reference(s) | Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[c][1]information on the licensing standards for an agency
§558.259[c][2]information on the state and federal laws applicable to an agency, including:
§558.259[c][2][A]the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 142, Home and Community Support Services,
and Chapter 250, Nurse Aide Registry and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Applicants for
Employment in Certain Facilities Serving the Elderly or Persons with Disabilities
§558.259[c][2][B]the Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 102, Rights of the Elderly
§558.259[c][2](C)Americans with Disabilities Act
§558.259[c][2][G]the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements
§558.259[d][2]legal issues regarding advance directives
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Jennifer Elder, Home Health Regulatory and Policy Manager, TAHC&H | Grace Werckle, BSN, RN,
Home Care Education Nurse Manager, TAHC&H
About the Presenter:
Grace Werckle is the Home Care Education Nurse Manager for TAHC&H. Prior to joining the TAHCH staff, Grace worked in the Homecare
Industry for over 25 years. She has had the wonderful opportunity to serve in multiple roles at Home Health Agencies fulfilling positions varying from Administrator/Alternate
Administrator to DON/Supervising Nurse/Clinical Supervisor to Case Management to Field RN. With this, Grace earned extensive experience in Licensed and Certified, Licensed Home
Health and Personal Assistance Services licensure categories. Grace specialized in QA and Documentation including certifications of COS-C for OASIS and HCS-D for Coding Compliance
and has worked under The Joint Commission, CHAP and AHCH accreditations. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, Texas and
currently works with Texas Association for Homecare and Hospice in the Home Care Education Nurse Manager role.
About the Presenter:
Jennifer Elder started with TAHC&H in September 2019 as the Home Care Regulatory and Policy Manager and is
now the Director of Regulatory Affairs. Her experience includes Home Health and Hospice Administration, DME Management and Home Care Consulting. Prior to coming to TAHC&H she
worked as a consultant from 2012 – 2017 for home health and hospice agencies and DME agencies throughout Texas. She has hands on experience in the home care industry with the
ADR process, QAPI programs, Marketing and Business Development, Licensing, Accreditation, Plans of Correction and Informal Dispute Resolutions, Human Resources, Policy
Development and Strategic Planning.
[3106] Achieving Regulatory Efficiencies
Many tips and ways to streamline and simplify the execution of compliant management.
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Continuing Education
1.00 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§97.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§97.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Program Description: Today’s Home Care Executive is confronted with myriad
regulatory requirements about State and Federal compliance, reimbursement requirements, personnel management,
confidentiality and safety requirements, taxation and much more. This presentation focuses on and proposes changes to processes and systems that
streamline and simplify the execution of compliant management. Maintaining the focus on efficiencies, the presentation also discusses:
appropriate delegation
strategic outsourcing
time management hints
communication techniques
useful technological tools
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Kay Hollers
About the Presenter:
Kay Hollers, RN MPH COS-C HCS-D is an Independent Consultant for HealthCare ConsultLink and has over 35 years’
experience in administration of and consulting with home health and hospice agencies. She holds a post-Masters
certification in Healthcare Evaluation from Wayne State University with emphasis on quality evaluation in healthcare
settings and is a frequent presenter to public and private audiences on topics such as OASIS accuracy, care planning,
clinical best practices, and QAPI procedures.
[3142] Advanced Concepts in Compliance: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 [HIPAA]
Refresh your memory, get up to date with recent developments and identify strategies to mitigate your risks.
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[c][2]information on the state and federal laws applicable to an agency
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][6]risk assessment and management
Program Description: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 [HIPAA] is no longer a minor!
More than 21 years have passed since it became law and it is still a compliance headache for healthcare providers.
Never fear…compliance is achievable! Refresh your memory, get up to date with recent developments and identify strategies to mitigate your risks.
TAHCH Faculty/Presenter: Luis J. Acevedo, Acevedo & Edwards, PLLC
About the Presenter:
Luis J. Acevedo, Esq. has substantial experience in executive management of
large healthcare corporations, as well as extensive knowledge of Health Law including licensing, access, regulation, compliance, Stark Law,
anti-kickback and e-health. He offers impressive experience in healthcare transactions, corporate and business counseling.
Mr. Acevedo has used his extensive background to help health care clients with sales and transactions,
to resolve internal conflicts, as well as conflicts with government agencies.
[3143] All in a Day’s Work… “Surveyor is in the Lobby!”
Master your administrative responsibilities before a surveyor appears in the lobby!
Education-Training Credits:
TX HCSSA Administrator/Alternate Initial Education
1.0 Clock Hr(s)
CE Approval Statements:
· This program meets continuing education requirements
for Administrators and Alternates under Texas HCSSA licensing regulations.
HCSSA Topic(s) Addressed:
§558.259[c][2]information on the state and federal laws applicable to an agency
§558.259[d][4]agency responsibilities
§558.260[a][3]basic principles of management in a licensed health-related setting
Program Description: Administrators of home health and hospice agencies are responsible for implementing and
supervising the administrative policies and operations of the agency AND for supervising the provision of all services to agency clients on a day-to-day basis.
The time to ensure that you have mastered these responsibilities is not when the surveyor is in the lobby! This discussion of Chapter 97 rules can
potentially improve your survey outcomes and increase the likelihood of sustained success for surveys to come.
TAHC&H Faculty/Presenter: Dana Madison, RN, BSN, MBA, Administrator/Owner, BSA Compassion Home Care; Mary Helen Tieken, RN, BSN, President, Nurses in Touch, Inc.
About the Presenter:
Dana Madison is the Administrator / Co-Owner of BSA Compassion Home Care in Amarillo, Tx as well as
the Alternate Administrator / Co-Owner of two PAS agencies in Lubbock and Amarillo. Dana's health care experience includes working as a RN for 39 years, hospital administration
for 2 years, Practice Manager of a physicians' practice for 8 years and a home health administrator and owner for 24 years. Dana received her BSN from Texas Women's
University in Denton and a MBA in Health Care Administration from the University of Dallas. Dana served as the President of the Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice
from 2010-2012 and currently serves as the Treasurer for the Board of TAHCH.
About the Presenter:
Mary Helen Tieken is the Owner/Administrator of Nurses In Touch, Inc., a licensed and certified home health and
hospice agency she established in 1990 in Floresville, Texas. She has been a registered nurse for 32 years with a background in Oncology, Neurology, and Urology, and has spent
the last 27 years in home health and hospice.
[PKG_PH1] Initial 8HR [Phase One] Training Curriculum for New TX HCSSA Administrators & Alternates - Revised Nov 2024